On 05/22/2012 04:18 PM, Mahinda Yogarajah wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry to re-post but I wanted to amend my questions on the basis of 
> further reading I have done in the forum.  Ignore questions 1 to 3.
> Instead ....
> 4) In a vertex wise analysis of area (using newer version of 
> mris_preproc) what nuisance factors are people using - does it make 
> sense to use total brain surface area (rather than say ICV as one 
> might use in thickness) and in which case does it make a difference to 
> use total pial or white matter area ?
> I have read some of the discussions on the forum about this, and some 
> of the references posted.  I wonder whether someone might tell me 
> whether they agree with my thinking.  I have 2 groups (controls and a 
> patient gp) - I am interested in the global as well as local effects 
> of group on my dependent measures (thickness, area, volume) and hence 
> have only included age and ICV as nuisance factors in my vertex wise 
> analysis - is this reasonble ? - if I was more interested in 
> local/regional effects would it be then reasonable to include mean 
> hemispheric thickness, mean GM volume, or mean GM/WM area as nuisance 
> factors in a vertex wise analysis ... Furthermore, am I right in 
> thinking if I was carrying out an ROI based analysis of any of these 
> dependent measures then by definition I should include the appropriate 
> correction factor to ensure that I am not just seeing a global effect ?
It probably does not make sense to use ICV for surface area. People 
sometimes use total surface area, but I think it is an open question (as 
is the exact method for correction: nuisance regressor or scaling). But 
accounting for the global effect should reveal local effects by 
definition. And, yes, you would want to do the same thing for your ROI 
> 5) What do the dependent measures - 
> intensity_deep/intensity_superficial,  
> intensity_deep.mgz/intensity_superficial.mgz and white K/H measure in 
> qdec ...
These are curvature measures. I can't remember what the K and H are. Bruce?
> 6) An additional question - I note in the recon-all.log file that 
> mris_anatomical_stats is run with the flags "-mgz -cortex ... - what 
> are these flags for ?
-mgz just says to look for an mgz file. At one point, we had another 
format, but that was years ago; but the -mgz remains. -cortex passes the 
cortical label for computing statistics across all of cortex.


> Thanks.
> Mahinda
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Mahinda Yogarajah 
> <y.mahi...@gmail.com <mailto:y.mahi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear Experts,
>     I have some related questions:
>     1) Am I right in thinking that the default settings for recon-all
>     produce aparc files where the areas are based on white matter and
>     not pia ?
>     2) Therefore am I right in assuming that when I use
>     aparcstats2table across my subjects using "--meas area", the area
>     is also going to be based on white matter unless I redo the
>     processing using mris_anatomical with a "pial" flag
>     3) If the above is correct, why is the default to measure areas
>     based on white matter - intuitively this does not make sense to me
>     or seem as useful as gray matter ROI areas (particularly as from
>     my understanding there are further assumptions made in the
>     algorithsm that does the labelling of underlying white matter from
>     the cortex) - are their papers where white matter areas are being
>     reportted ?
>     4) In a vertex wise analysis of area (using newer version of
>     mris_preproc) what nuisance factors are people using - does it
>     make sense to use total brain surface area (rather than say ICV as
>     one might use in thickness) and in which case does it make a
>     difference to use total pial or white matter area ?
>     5) Finally what do the dependent measures -
>     intensity_deep/intensity_superficial, 
>     intensity_deep.mgz/intensity_superficial.mgz and white K/H measure
>     in qdec ...
>     Thanks.
>     Mahinda
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