Hi Simon

I'm also puzzled about your "quantitative T1 maps". Are these T1 values 
in ms? If so, the image won't have "T1-weighted contrast" as WM will be 
darker (shorter T1) than GM, in which case everything would fail. I assume 
that what you are going to FreeSurfer (and Avi's code) is instead the 
larger flip angle FLASH image.


On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Snyder, Avi wrote:

> I don't see that it is possible to avoid double resampling if you use
> FreeSurfer to segment. As far as I can tell, the problem with your dataset
> is that a substantial fraction of cases results a clearly poor Talarrach
> atlas transform, e.g., too "fat" or too "thin" or distorted. There is no
> provision, as far as I am aware, to, initialize the Talairach transform
> module based on a prior computations. There are two main possibilities
> that underly bad Talairach transforms (1) input images very displaced or
> rotated from standard acquisitions (2) mismatch between contrast
> mechanisms in the sample T1W and the atlas representative target. It is
> possible to correct error mechanism 2. A dialog regarding this possibility
> is ongoing with the FreeSurfer developers.
> Avi
> -----------------------------------
> On 7/12/12 5:09 AM, "Baudrexel, Simon" <simon.baudre...@kgu.de> wrote:
>> Dear Avi,
>> thank you for your reply, probably I didn't make my point clear enough.
>> Our high resolution quantitative T1-maps (derived from multispectral
>> FLASH) have excellent GM-WM contrast and once autorecon1 (talairach-avi)
>> gets over this tricky coregistration into standard space all other
>> following steps look very fine (including the subcortical segmentation
>> which I'm interested in). Since registration is often more robust when
>> images are approximately realigned from the beginning, I thought to use
>> SPM (or fsl) affine coregistration parameters (to MNI space) as a guess
>> in talairach_avi would be worth a try (I think the problem lies in a
>> somewhat different contrast of the neck and skull which appear brighter
>> in our qT1 maps compared to MPRAGE).  I could use SPM-coregistered T1
>> maps instead an put them into the freesurfer pipeline which, however,
>> would mean an additional interpolation (which is not what I want).  Is
>> there another workaround?  ( I read that in tkregister2 there is the
>> option to apply fsl transformation matrices - something like that would
>> be needed - but I'm no too familiar with the way freesurfer handels and
>> stores those transformations). As my doctorate fellow sees himself
>> manually segmenting all the subcortical structurs any help would be
>> greatly appreciated -:)
>> Thanks,
>> Simon Baudrexel
>> Brain Imaging Center
>> Goethe University
>> Frankfurt
>> ________________________________
>> Von: Snyder, Avi [a...@npg.wustl.edu]
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012 01:58
>> Bis: Baudrexel, Simon; Bruce Fischl
>> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Betreff: Re: AW: [Freesurfer] Using SPM transformation matrices as
>> initial guess in talairach_avi
>> Simon,
>> The standard Talairach atlas transform module in FreeSurfer was designed
>> for T1W high-resolution structural images (e.g., MP-RAGE or SPGR). This is
>> a design choice partly driven by the fact that the FreeSurfer segmentation
>> algorithm assumes high-resolution T1 weighting. Reliable atlas
>> transformation with any other contrast mechanism would be highly
>> uncertain. Atlas transformation modules theoretically could be produced
>> for other contrast mechanisms, e.g., R1 or FA. However, it is not clear
>> that, even if this were done, that the tissue classification part of
>> FreeSurfer would work. If you have R1 and/or FA images that need to be
>> analyzed using FreeSurfer segmentations, I would think that you should
>> submit a minimally processed high-resolution T1W image to FreeSurfer and
>> then use the generated results as ROIs in subsequent analyses. Of course,
>> this strategy requires that the images containing the contrast to be
>> evaluated are co-registered to the segmented MP-RAGE.
>> I hope I have correctly understood your scientific objectives.
>> Avi Snyder
>> ------------
>> On 7/10/12 4:20 AM, "Baudrexel, Simon" <simon.baudre...@kgu.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Bruce,
>>> I'm using freesurfer version 5.1.0.  I currently try to process
>>> quantitative T1 (R1) maps derived from 4 and 18 deg. FLASH images and FA
>>> maps. Interestingly, transformation appears to fail less often when using
>>> single (16 deg.) FLASH images, only. SPM segmentation routine on the
>>> other hand works pretty well on both T1 and FLASH images (probably
>>> because of using header origin information - which was set to the
>>> anterior commissure- as first guess in the registration).
>>> Thanks
>>> Simon
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Von: Bruce Fischl [fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu]
>>> Gesendet: Montag, 9. Juli 2012 20:03
>>> Bis: Baudrexel, Simon
>>> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu; Avi Snyder
>>> Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Using SPM transformation matrices as initial
>>> guess in talairach_avi
>>> Hi Simon
>>> what version are you using?  Avi Snyder (ccd) has been tracking down some
>>> interactions between his talairach code and our intensity normalization
>>> that seem to have made it more fragilie, particularly in 5.1. He has some
>>> suggested fixes that may improve things for you.
>>> cheers
>>> Bruce
>>> On Mon, 9 Jul 2012, Baudrexel, Simon
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> since I experienced a high rate of registration errors using
>>>> talairach_avi
>>>> in the conventional recon-all processing stream (more than 50%
>>>> misregistration), I would like to incorporate SPM affine registration
>>>> parameters (as provided in the seg_inv_sn.mat file obtained from the
>>>> segmentation routine) as initial guess "to help" talairach-avi. Is
>>>> there a
>>>> possibility to do this? How do I have to adjust the transformation
>>>> matrix
>>>> that it can be handled by freesurfer?
>>>> I also tried to circumvent the registration-problem using
>>>> skull-stripped
>>>> images, which unfortunately also did not improve the results (I think a
>>>> template made from skull-stripped images has to be used in that case)
>>>> Any help would be much appreciated
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Simon
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