Hi Tom, it is really necessary to use BRIKs these days? AFNI has 
supported nifti for years. While it is possible for me to track this 
down and fix it, it would take me a while (time I'd rather spend doing 
something else:).
ps. On the other hand, since you are probably the only one using BIRKS, 
I can just applied the patch you sent. I can give you a binary to test. 
If it tests out, then I'll just check the patch in. Let me know.

On 11/19/2012 08:21 PM, Tom Holroyd (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:
> If I do "3dcopy ortho+orig ortho.nii" then 3dinfo shows that the two 
> datasets share the same coordinate system, however when I use 
> mri_info, the results differ. For example,
> 3dinfo, both .BRIK and .nii: Geometry String: 
> "MATRIX(0,0,-1,127,1,0,0,-127,0,-1,0,180):256,256,256"
> R-to-L extent:  -128.000 [R] -to-   127.000 [L] -step-     1.000 mm 
> [256 voxels]
> A-to-P extent:  -127.000 [A] -to-   128.000 [P] -step-     1.000 mm 
> [256 voxels]
> I-to-S extent:   -75.000 {I] -to-   180.000 [S] -step-     1.000 mm 
> [256 voxels]*
> mri_info ortho+orig says: voxel to ras transform:
>               0.0000   0.0000   1.0000  -128.5000
>              -1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   127.5000
>               0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000    75.5000
>               0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
> while mri_info ortho.nii produces (this is correct): voxel to ras 
> transform:
>              -0.0000  -0.0000   1.0000  -127.0000
>              -1.0000  -0.0000  -0.0000   127.0000
>               0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000   180.0000
>               0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
> in particular, the center of the volume appears to be translated. So 
> if you run FreeSurfer on the .nii file, the surface is shifted 
> relative to what you get when you run FreeSurfer on the .BRIK file, 
> even though the original input was the same. Also mri_info seems to 
> have shifted things to half-integer coordinates, while the .nii 
> version doesn't. I'm not really sure about the half-integer thing, but 
> it's a separate issue.
> I think the problem is a bug in utils/afni.c, where it calculates 
> c_ras. I've attached a patch. The problem is that FreeSurfer wants ras 
> coordinates, which are LPI coordinates in AFNI notation, and we're 
> staring in dataset coordinates (here ASL). First the transform matrix 
> is computed (correctly). Then c_ras is calculated using the AFNI DELTA 
> and ORIGIN header fields. I'm really not sure what the old code was 
> doing, the terms seem to be associated the wrong way. The new code 
> correctly multiplies the ORIGIN times the DELTAs to get all negative 
> numbers in dataset coordinates (that is, the origin). This is then 
> added to the center, also in dataset coordinates, and then this is 
> multiplied by the rest of the transform matrix, which is a vox2ras 
> matrix, yielding c_ras that agrees with the result from the .nii file. 
> Except for that half-integer thing, which boils down to the afni.c 
> code doing (w-1)/2 and the .nii file code doing w/2. Perhaps the AFNI 
> code shouldn't subtract 1 either
> ? {the relevant lines are also part of the patch, but I left in the 
> (w-1)/2}
> Unfortunately it seems there is no easy way to compute the correct 
> c_ras if you started with a .BRIK, unless you have the original .BRIK. 
> In that case 3dcopy it to a .nii file and mri_info that.
> Err, I haven't actually tested the patch ... I'm fairly certain it's 
> the .nii file results that are correct, and not the other way around. 
> It would be nice to confirm that this happens with other datasets 
> besides the one I tried. It's easy to check if you have an AFNI 
> dataset sitting around.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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