Thanks for quick response Bruce.  We will use the volume from ex-vivo

Regarding the need to integrate the ex vivo one back into aparc+aseg.

We noticed the entorhinal volume in aparc is larger than that in
So do the extra entorhinal voxels in aparc need to be re-labelled as
or as "cortical-gray-matter"?

We plan to make manual correction on aparc (when required):
So would it be a good approach to use the entorhinal labels from
exvivo.stats to guide the corrections on aparc ? In this case, the question
is, what should the end-user re-label
the extra entorhinal voxels as ?


On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Bruce Fischl <>wrote:

> Hi Mehul
> the entorhinal label in the aparc was drawn by Rahul based on gyral
> landmarks. The one in the _exvivo.stats is based on being able to see the
> layer II islands in ex vivo MRI and hence we believe it is more accurate.
> Not sure why you need to integrate the ex vivo one back into the
> aparc+aseg, can you clarify?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2013, Mehul Sampat wrote:
>  Hi Folks,
>> I have a question about entorhinal cortex volume. The entorhinal cortex
>> is listed in ?h.aparc.stats and ?h.entorhinal_exvivo.stats.  In a previous
>> post on
>> the mailing list, it was mentioned that we should use the volume
>> measurement from ?h.entorhinal_exvivo.stats.
>> We would like to make manual corrections to the entorhinal cortex
>> segmentation
>> (when required). For this task I can create a entorhinal volume from
>> ?h.entorhinal_exvivo.label
>> using  mri_label2vol
>> This entorhinal volume will be different from the one in aparc+aseg.mgz
>> My question is:
>> Has anyone published any protocols to somehow combine the two entorhinal
>> volumes ?
>> Or is recommend to take the take the entorhinal volume created from
>> ?h.entorhinal_exvivo.stats.
>> and overlay it on norm.mgz and edit manually (when required).
>> One limitation of this approach is that it would be hard to integrate
>> this entorhinal volume back into
>> aparc+aseg.mgz...
>> Thanks
>> Mehul
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Bruce Fischl <>
>> wrote:
>>       Hi Catherine
>>       I guess I would recommend the ex vivo one since it is based
>> explicitly on architecontics and not on guessing locations from folds.
>>       cheers
>>       Bruce
>>       On Wed, 7 Dec 2011, Cat Chong wrote:
>>             Hello experts,
>>             I am  very new to freesurfer so please excuse my basic
>> question:
>>             We want to get measurements of entorhinal cortex volumes on a
>> group of
>>             people. I found these results listed in  ?h.aparc.stats.
>>             I also noticed another ?h.entorhinal_exvivo.stats, with
>> different results.
>>             Which should I use for a group analysis of entorhinal volume
>> and surface
>>             area, and why are the results very different?
>>             very best regards,
>>             catherine
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