Hi I got an error -lobesStrict unknown. I am running mri_annotation2label 
version stable5.

Is there a workaround?

On Feb 28, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Rudolph Pienaar wrote:

> After a conventional FS run you can do the following:
> $>mri_annotation2label --subject <subj> --hemi <hemi> --lobesStrict 
> <hemi>.lobesStrict.annot
> Which will create an annotation file <hemi>.lobesStrict.annot containing the 
> lobar labels. To extract these into their own individual label files, do
> $>mri_annotation2label --subject <subj> --hemi <hemi> --annotation 
> lobesStrict --outdir <subj>/label
> This will populate the <subj>/label directory with files:
> <hemi>.frontal.label
> <hemi>.parietal.label
> <hemi>.temporal.label
> <hemi>.occiptal.label
> <hemi>.cingulate.label
> So, to be pendantic, if you want the lobar labels for the left hemisphere of 
> a subject called 'sub1', you would
> $>mri_annotation2label --subject sub1 --hemi lh --lobesStrict 
> lh.lobesStrict.annot
> $>mri_annotation2label --subject sub1 --hemi lh --annotation lobesStrict 
> --outdir sub1/label
> -=R
> On Thu Feb 28 09:24:58 2013, Sudhin A. Shah wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a lookup table I can use to convert free surfer labels to lobes? 
>> Either label nos (1006, 2006 etc) or label names (ctx-rh-superiorfrontal)? I 
>> have 86 labels and want an easy way to differentiate them into the 
>> corresponding lobes.
>> Thanks,
>> S
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> Rudolph Pienaar, M.Eng, D.Eng / email: rudo...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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