Hello FreeSurfer experts,

I just ran smoothing on a single 2D EPI image with a binary mask (that
excludes NaN vertices), but it didn't seem work out well as the output
image (e.g., test.mgh) contains zero values throughout vertices.

Also, I've got two warning messages (see below): while one of which seems
harmless (5311 NaNs), the other (ar=0 <=0) may be critical.

If anyone has any idea/ suggestions, please help.

mris_fwhm --hemi lh --s fsaverage_sym --mask mask.mgh --fwhm 4  --i
rabold4_0065_sym_L.mgh --o test.mgh
fsaverage_sym lh white
Number of vertices 163842
Number of faces    327680
Total area         61972.710938
GroupSurface 85910.812500
AvgVtxArea       0.378247
AvgVtxDist       0.693419
StdVtxDist       0.190498
WARNING: 5311 NaNs found in volume rabold4_0065_sym_L.mgh...

Loading mask mask.mgh
Found 158531 voxels in mask
Polynomial detrending, order = 0
Smoothing input by fwhm=4.000000, gstd=1.698644, niters=11
Computing spatial AR1
ar1mn = 0, ar1std = 0, ar1max = 0
avg vertex dist 0.693419
WARNING: ar1 = 0 <= 0. Setting fwhm to 0.
avg vertex dist 0.693419
fwhm = 0.000000
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