Hello freesurfers,

    I currently have a series of images with various TR,TE,TI,FA values. I
would like to use mri_ca_train to create a .gca atlas based on these
segmented volumes. Unfortunately, they all have slightly different control
parameters (TR,TE,TI,FA). Is there any way around this problem, or would it
be best to break the subjects into multiple groups with the same control

Here are the various parameters: [each row is a subject]

  *TR* *TE* *TI* *flip angle*  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.34 3.86 450 12  9.38 3.86
450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.34 3.86 450 12  9.44 3.87 450 12  9.39 3.86 450
12  2065.98 7.61 886.92 90  9.45 3.89 450 12  9.41 3.87 450 12  9.41 3.87
450 12  9.42 3.91 450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.44 3.86 450
12  9.44 3.86 450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12  9.38 3.86 450 12
9.34 3.86 450 12  9.34 3.86 450 12  9.39 3.86 450 12  1900 2.6 900 9  1900
2.6 900 9  1900 2.6 900 9  9.41 3.87 450 12  9.41 3.87 450 12  9.41 3.87 450
12  1900 2.6 900 9  9.41 3.87 450 12  1900 2.6 900 9  1900 2.6 900 9

Thank you in advance.

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