Try mri_annotation2label.

On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, wrote:

For FSL guide:

I should transforms a group of labels into a surface


label2surf -s <surface> -o <outputsurface> -l <labels>

Compulsory arguments (You MUST set one or more of):

        -s,--surf       input surface

        -o,--out        output surface

        -l,--labels     ascii list of label files

Optional arguments (You may optionally specify one or more of):

        -v,--verbose    switch on diagnostic messages

        -h,--help       display this message

but I should create a lh/rh.frontal.label and use it for label2surf.

With mdi_binarize I can create .nii.gz but no .label. Is that correct?

How I can do it?



----Messaggio originale----
Data: 25-set-2013 17.49
A: <>
Cc: <>
Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] Import FS data to FSL

1 - Yes.
2 - You can use mri_aparc2aseg to grow the cortical labels into the white
matter (say, by 2mm). The file that it will produce will be a volume file,
so then you just run mri_binarize to extract specific labels. Make sure
you save them in nifti format for FSL.

On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have 2 questions, please.
> 1-The bedpostX that I have run for TRACULA could be used for PROBTRACKX
> (FSL)?
> 2-I'd like to export cortical masks from FS to FSL.
> An option is mri_binarize but this way failed in probtrackx (fsl).
> FSL list have advised me that I should use label2surf command to convert
> label to surface files.
> Where could find the .label (according to FreeSurferColorLUT.txt) to build
> mask of frontal, parietal, motor, sensor, temporal and occipital lobes?
> Do you have other ways that you advise me?
> Thanks,
> Stefano

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