If you want the global thickness for all your subjects in a single table, use 
asegstats2table, e.g.

aparcstats2table --subjects bert ernie fred margaret --hemi rh --meas thickness 
--tablefile rh.aparc_stats.txt

The first column will be the rh thickness, which you can average with the lh in 
a spreadsheet. Or, you can use aparcstats2table again with "--meas area", and 
then in your spreadsheet use the equation you described to give additional 
weight to the hemisphere with larger area. 

Because it's in a table, you can then use this as a covariate in your FSGD, but 
I thought I read that some people do not recommend using global thickness as a 


> Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 19:25:07 -0400
> From: Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Global thickness calculation
> To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Message-ID: <524f4e53.3020...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> you can do something like this
> cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subject
> mri_segstats --slabel $subject lh label/lh.cortex.label --i 
> surf/lh.thickness --id 1 --sum stats/lh.meanthickness.dat
> On 10/04/2013 05:22 PM, Mollie Bayda wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to calculate whole-brain mean cortical thickness in each 
>> individual subject for correction of regional mean thicknesses.
>> I see on the wiki that this is recommended to be done by:
>> bh.thickness = (lh.thickness X lh.area) + (rh.thickness X rh.area) / 
>> (lh.area +rh.area)
>> In my table I see lh and rh total area but I do not see lh and rh 
>> thickness. All I see is mean thicknesses for each region. Are the 
>> total rh and lh mean thicknesses supposed to appear in the table?
>> Thanks!

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