Thanks! so this is the command I've used:
mri_aparc2aseg --annot freeSurfer_lobes --s P2 --o 

a couple of question I have now:

1. what lables (numbers) correspond to the 5 main lobes? looking at the 
"FreeSurferColorLUT.txt", I'm assuming the lables I'm interested in are 
in the range of 1000-1035 (left) and 2000-2035 (right), is this correct? 
should I now manually add the relevant sections to get the 5 lobes?! or 
is there an automated way to do this?!

2. also, with "mri_label2vol" I was using the registration flags to move 
the labels into the native subject space, but this way (using 
mri_aparc2aseg) I get the labels in the freeSurfer space! are there 
options to move the lables? or should I do it as a separate step? if so, 
could you please tell me which command I should use?

sorry for bugging you with so many questions!


On 11/21/2013 01:42 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> use mri_aparc2aseg instead of label2vol. This is how aparc+aseg.mgz is
> created.  Look in the recon-all.log file for the command line used.
> doug
> On 11/21/2013 10:44 AM, Mojdeh Zamyadi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to convert the cortical labels I get in freeSurfer to volumetric
>> ROIs in the subject space and I've followed the steps mentioned in:
>> except since I'm interested in lobe mapping I've changed the first
>> commands, more specifically these are the different command I've run:
>> 1. mri_annotation2label  --subject P2 --hemi lh --outdir
>> freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/ --lobesStrict
>> freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/freeSurfer_lobes
>> 2. mri_annotation2label  --hemi lh --subject P2 --outdir
>> freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/ --annotation
>> freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/lh.freeSurfer_lobes.annot
>> 3. tkregister2 --mov freeSurfer_Results/P2/mri/rawavg.mgz --noedit --s
>> P2 --regheader --reg freeSurfer_Results/P2/register.dat
>> 4. mri_label2vol --label freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/lh.parietal.label
>> --temp freeSurfer_Results/P2/mri/rawavg.mgz --subject P2 --hemi lh --o
>> freeSurfer_Results/P2/labels/lh.parietal.nii.gz --proj frac 0 1 .1
>> --fillthresh 1 --reg freeSurfer_Results/P2/register.dat
>> the issue I have now is that the final ROI I get (e.g.
>> "lh.parietal.nii.gz") looks like a series of disconnected points! I was
>> wondering how I can get a smooth (i.e. filled) volumetric ROI?
>> Thanks,
>> -Mojdeh
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