Hi Lars,

I guess you are working with vertexwise rather than facewise data, is this
right? You'd need to compute then the area-per-vertex of the same sphere
used as the target for the interpolation, i.e., the ico7
(surf/?h.sphere.reg in fsaverage I think). Attached is a Matlab function
that calculates this area-per-vertex (or the area-per-face )from a surface
and saves as a curvature file, in ASCII format. It reads also in ASCII, so
you need to convert first (mris_convert). To run, it's something as this:

*srf2area lh.sphere.reg.srf ico7.area.dpv dpv*

Then multiply either each subject area map (after interpolation), or the
average map, by 4*pi*r^2 (r should be 100), and divide the result by the
area-per-vertex from the sphere that you calculated above, and divide the
result again by the number of vertices in the sphere, which should be
163842. To do this, use the attached rpncalc function, that also runs in
Matlab, and does simple maths in curvature files that are all of the same
size, using RPN notation
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation>. Inputs are also in
ASCII. To run, it should be something like this:

rpncalc lh.white.interp.dpv 125663.706144 * ico7.area.dpv / 163842 /

The output you can convert back to cuvature binary and load with tksurfer
or FreeView.

Hope this helps!

All the best,


On 1 June 2014 16:32, Lars M. Rimol <lari...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Anderson,
> Thank you!  How would you suggest I address this issue when I smooth these
> images before statistical analysis? I normally use the smoothing algorithm
> implemented in FreeSurfer (mri_surf2surf).
> --
> yours,
> Lars M. Rimol, PhD
> St. Olavs Hospital
> Trondheim,
> Norway
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Attachment: srf2area.m
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rpncalc.m
Description: Binary data

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