Dear Doug,

thanks for your helpful comments according to the reading out fMRI cluster peak 

Actually, I'm able now to read out cluster peak vertices (see bottom). I 
applied the mri_surfcluster command for resampled and surface smoothed Feat 
stats on smoothwm surface with projfrac 0.5 (mri_surf2surf -fwhm).

But I'm not sure how to apply Multiple Comparison Correction because I only 
found this option for group statistics (mri_glmfit-sim). For this purpose, I 
have to generate a GLM within Freesurfer.
I use FEAT preprocessed but unsmoothed data and coregistered/resampled it to 
the surfaces. My goal is to read out peak vertices on session/single-subject 
level, preferentially on the smoothwm with -projfrac 0.5.
Is it possible to use the mkanalysis-sess/mkcontrast-sess/selxvavg3-sess 
commands (seemingly it’s just for FSFAST preprocessed data) in combination with 
a Multiple Comparisons Correction at session level? OR Shall I run the 
Preprocessing in FSFAST too?
Hopefully, there is a solution for this delicate problem

Sincerely yours,


mri_surfcluster --subject PM_00880_inflation --surf smoothwm --hemi lh --in 
PM_00880_inflation/TR.feat/stats/smooth_10.mgz --thmin 2 --thmax inf --sign pos 
--minarea 30 --annot aparc --sum PM_00880_inflation/TR.feat/stats/TR_summary2
thsign = pos, id = 1
version $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2012/05/31 22:10:05 greve Exp $
hemi           = lh
srcid          = PM_00880_inflation/TR.feat/stats/smooth_10.mgz
srcsubjid      = PM_00880_inflation
srcsurf        = smoothwm
srcframe       = 0
thsign         = pos
thmin          = 2
thmax          = inf
fdr            = -1
minarea        = 30
xfmfile        = talairach.xfm
nth         = -1
sumfile  = PM_00880_inflation/TR.feat/stats/TR_summary2
subjectsdir    = /home/christopher/Desktop/freesurfer/subjects
FixMNI = 1
------------- XFM matrix (RAS2RAS) ---------------
 1.052   0.044  -0.055   0.749;
-0.027   1.026   0.319  -8.121;
 0.030  -0.345   1.096  -13.593;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
Reading source surface 
Done reading source surface
Reading annotation 
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 36 entries read (originally 
Computing metric properties
Loading source values
number of voxels in search space = 133455
Done loading source values (nvtxs = 133455)
overall max = 5.55723 at vertex 63001
overall min = -4.84855 at vertex 19315
surface nvertices 133455
surface area 79513.531250
surface area 79513.859375
Adjusting threshold for 1-tailed test.
If the input is not a -log10(p) volume, re-run with --no-adjust.
Searching for Clusters ...
thmin=2.000000 (1.698970), thmax=inf (inf), thsignid=1, minarea=30.000000
Found 9 clusters
Max cluster size 1315.766113
INFO: fixing MNI talairach coordinates


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