Dear all.

I have a question concerning the estimation of cortical thickness in freesurfer.
My overall goal is the comparison of a patient and matched control group with 
VBM and cortical thickness.
My first try was the recon-all with masked MP2RAGE UNI-Images. Unfortunately it 
executed with error due to a not successfull skull-stripping....
Secondly I was going to skull-strip in AFNI and feed the skull-stripped image 
to the recon-all, but unfortunately the skull-stripping in AFNI was better but 
not as good as hoped.

Next idea now is using the output of the VBM8 of SPM. Is it possible to use the 
segmented grey matter image from SPM in the recon-all to calculate overall 
cortical thickness and which steps of the recon-all are needed to be excluded 
for that? I am basically not interested in white it needed in the 
algorithm in general? The step 15 starts with the wm edits. So in case I am 
able to use only the segmented grey matter image from the VBM toolbox to avoid 
needing to skull-strip, I need to start with the step 21 (autorecon2-pial) of 
the recon-all? 

Or is there a possibility to improve the skull-stripping somehow? I tried 
lowering the threshold by adding the watershed trying to be more liberal, but 
it did not work as I was hoping...

Thank you all so much in advance!
Best Regards,
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