Can you get it to display correctly on the pial surface in conformed space?

On 09/17/2014 08:04 PM, Zachary Greenberg wrote:
> Hello Freesurfer experts,
> I am having a tough time getting my pial surfaces into the correct 
> anatomical space. I work with ECoG Patients, so we have pre-implant 
> high resolution T1s (GE SPGR), and post-implant high resolution CTs 
> that show the location of ECoG electrodes within the patient's skull. 
> Our goal: display ECoG electrodes in their correct positions on the 
> patient's native pial surface.
> Right now, my pipeline works like this:
> -ACPC align the T1, leave it in LAS orientation.
> -recon-all the acpc T1, using -3T -all -openmp 8 -use-gpu
> -corregister the CT to the acpc T1 (SPM), get electrode coords in T1 space
> -plot the electrodes on the resultant .pial surface from freesurfer
> The problem is, I can definitely tell that the position of the pial 
> mesh is off (probably by 10 millimeters or so), as the electrodes 
> (which have the correct coordinates from the T1 correg, confirmed 
> visually by overlaying the CT on T1) are not in their correct 
> positions on the mesh. Likewise, DTI fibers reconstructed from EPIs 
> correctly corregistered to the T1 also appear off position within the 
> .pial mesh.
> Here is what I have tried:
> compute the transform from .pial to .pial.native as suggested on 
> tkregister2 --mov rawavg.mgz --targ orig.mgz --reg register.native.dat 
> --noedit --regheader
> mri_surf2surf --sval-xyz pial --reg register.native.dat rawavg.mgz --tval 
> lh.pial.native --tval-xyz --hemi lh --s subjectname
> This results in a mesh that is flipped (left is right) and rotated 
> such that anterior is inferior (frontal cortex is pointing downward). 
> The mesh appears this way when plotted in any viewer besides 
> freesurfer (MATLAB mesh, Pyqt) but appears in the correct orientation 
> in freeview. Replacing orig.mgz with the original T1.nii in the 
> command above produces the opposite effect, freeview plots the 
> orientation wrong, and any other viewer plots the Mesh oriented 
> correctly, and the mesh appears to be identical to the originally 
> output .pial mesh (electrodes are still wrong).
> Any help in pin pointing what is going wrong here would be greatly 
> appreciated. I have a feeling it has something to do with the mesh 
> being in surface RAS and the original T1 being in LAS.
> Thanks a bunch,
> -Zack
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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