
I have pcASL data from a Siemens 3T scanner which I would like to process using 
the provided rcbf-prep command. The process completes smoothly without error. 
However when I inspect my roi.dat file, I observe that all the ROI values are 
actually negative, and seem to be beyond physiological CBF range  (~60-120 

The roi.dat file is pasted below. Would there be any reason to suspect that the 
tag-control subtraction might be running inverted?  I was trying to find a way 
to customize the command, but seems like there’s no option to specifying the 
order of tag and control. 

Any help would be appreciated!


# Title Segmentation Statistics 
# generating_program mri_segstats
# cvs_version $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.101 2013/08/20 15:52:54 greve Exp $
# cmdline mri_segstats --seg /www/data/fMRI/subjects/PV/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz 
--ctab /www/data/fMRI/ANODAL/PV_2.0_hum_10387/ASL/30/rcbf/roi.table --i 
/www/data/fMRI/ANODAL/PV_2.0_hum_10387/ASL/30/rcbf/rcbf.anat.nii --sum 
# sysname  Darwin
# hostname MBP-4.local
# machine  x86_64
# user     asif
# anatomy_type volume
# SegVolFile /www/data/fMRI/subjects/PV/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz 
# SegVolFileTimeStamp  2014/10/21 08:43:42 
# ColorTable /www/data/fMRI/ANODAL/PV_2.0_hum_10387/ASL/30/rcbf/roi.table 
# ColorTableTimeStamp 2014/10/22 15:52:27 
# InVolFile  /www/data/fMRI/ANODAL/PV_2.0_hum_10387/ASL/30/rcbf/rcbf.anat.nii 
# InVolFileTimeStamp  2014/10/22 16:00:34 
# InVolFrame 0 
# Only reporting non-empty segmentations
# VoxelVolume_mm3 1 
# TableCol  1 ColHeader Index 
# TableCol  1 FieldName Index 
# TableCol  1 Units     NA 
# TableCol  2 ColHeader SegId 
# TableCol  2 FieldName Segmentation Id
# TableCol  2 Units     NA
# TableCol  3 ColHeader NVoxels 
# TableCol  3 FieldName Number of Voxels
# TableCol  3 Units     unitless
# TableCol  4 ColHeader Volume_mm3
# TableCol  4 FieldName Volume
# TableCol  4 Units     mm^3
# TableCol  5 ColHeader StructName
# TableCol  5 FieldName Structure Name
# TableCol  5 Units     NA
# TableCol  6 ColHeader Mean 
# TableCol  6 FieldName Intensity Mean
# TableCol  6 Units     unknown
# TableCol  7 ColHeader StdDev
# TableCol  7 FieldName Itensity StdDev
# TableCol  7 Units     unknown
# TableCol  8 ColHeader Min
# TableCol  8 FieldName Intensity Min
# TableCol  8 Units     unknown
# TableCol  9 ColHeader Max
# TableCol  9 FieldName Intensity Max
# TableCol  9 Units     unknown
# TableCol 10 ColHeader Range
# TableCol 10 FieldName Intensity Range
# TableCol 10 Units     unknown
# NRows 114 
# NTableCols 10 
# ColHeaders  Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max 
  1   0  15692031 15692031.0  Unknown                          -74.0533   
149.7173  -409.6000   212.1609   621.7609 
  2   2    223002   223002.0  Left-Cerebral-White-Matter      -225.7412    
41.4942  -378.4684    43.0771   421.5454 
  3   4      5142     5142.0  Left-Lateral-Ventricle          -213.5301    
25.6550  -268.4635  -140.5092   127.9543 
  4   5       210      210.0  Left-Inf-Lat-Vent               -250.1857    
11.2349  -268.3093  -227.5028    40.8065 
  5   7     12201    12201.0  Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter    -184.3329   
132.5210  -314.1348     0.0000   314.1348 
  6   8     38822    38822.0  Left-Cerebellum-Cortex          -106.5107   
126.4406  -397.5404     0.0000   397.5404 
  7  10      7802     7802.0  Left-Thalamus-Proper            -256.3931    
10.4379  -280.3882  -205.4267    74.9615 
  8  11      4000     4000.0  Left-Caudate                    -202.6371    
20.4855  -256.5304  -151.9264   104.6040 
  9  12      6375     6375.0  Left-Putamen                    -225.6037    
14.5390  -274.2597  -175.4577    98.8020 
 10  13      1502     1502.0  Left-Pallidum                   -253.1898    
12.3024  -277.3420  -185.7775    91.5645 
 11  14       550      550.0  3rd-Ventricle                   -225.0951    
31.5825  -306.7295  -134.6138   172.1157 
 12  15       964      964.0  4th-Ventricle                   -212.5151   
112.4167  -288.3225     0.0000   288.3225 
 13  16     18186    18186.0  Brain-Stem                      -234.2281   
112.8928  -319.7348     0.0000   319.7348 
 14  17      4114     4114.0  Left-Hippocampus                -261.7396    
17.4063  -339.8024  -223.4028   116.3996 
 15  18      1513     1513.0  Left-Amygdala                   -253.4237     
8.8525  -288.2225  -232.8777    55.3447 
 16  24       847      847.0  CSF                             -257.5531    
13.5256  -300.9257  -212.2279    88.6977 
 17  26       535      535.0  Left-Accumbens-area             -227.1246    
45.3633  -360.7124  -138.9498   221.7626 
 18  28      3786     3786.0  Left-VentralDC                  -270.4991    
24.1379  -308.4358  -148.3388   160.0970 
 19  30        35       35.0  Left-vessel                     -239.3001    
10.2992  -259.7188  -227.2777    32.4411 
 20  31      1442     1442.0  Left-choroid-plexus             -230.4919    
15.5479  -280.8550  -169.9589   110.8961 
 21  41    223786   223786.0  Right-Cerebral-White-Matter     -226.0802    
45.5920  -388.7630    99.2566   488.0197 
 22  43      4499     4499.0  Right-Lateral-Ventricle         -218.3645    
29.3800  -283.5730  -136.7349   146.8381 
 23  44       124      124.0  Right-Inf-Lat-Vent              -224.9743     
6.5724  -238.9407  -213.7236    25.2171 
 24  46     12584    12584.0  Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter   -193.3710   
131.2612  -321.5745     0.0000   321.5745 
 25  47     39998    39998.0  Right-Cerebellum-Cortex         -115.9971   
131.6163  -397.0068     0.0000   397.0068 
 26  49      7671     7671.0  Right-Thalamus-Proper           -257.6761    
12.1048  -286.1383  -201.9509    84.1875 
 27  50      3771     3771.0  Right-Caudate                   -194.8961    
24.1022  -261.2213  -130.2366   130.9848 
 28  51      5541     5541.0  Right-Putamen                   -207.9626    
20.2756  -263.4107  -152.3473   111.0634 
 29  52      1586     1586.0  Right-Pallidum                  -240.4646    
16.8542  -274.6204  -178.9617    95.6588 
 30  53      4340     4340.0  Right-Hippocampus               -255.1402    
15.5864  -317.2354  -214.7629   102.4725 
 31  54      1443     1443.0  Right-Amygdala                  -223.3856    
13.5761  -275.9869  -188.8713    87.1156 
 32  58       599      599.0  Right-Accumbens-area            -233.9969    
41.2913  -328.8579  -130.0125   198.8454 
 33  60      3578     3578.0  Right-VentralDC                 -265.3871    
29.2565  -302.4017  -137.6554   164.7464 
 34  62        42       42.0  Right-vessel                    -204.7102     
4.3293  -215.7804  -196.4114    19.3690 
 35  63      1778     1778.0  Right-choroid-plexus            -234.2253    
23.0682  -286.4693  -173.1205   113.3488 
 36  72         5        5.0  5th-Ventricle                   -224.2637     
0.6994  -224.9757  -223.0969     1.8788 
 37  77      1198     1198.0  WM-hypointensities              -237.1980    
23.6141  -288.2162  -124.3671   163.8491 
 38  80         6        6.0  non-WM-hypointensities          -219.0157    
25.7339  -241.4550  -178.7211    62.7339 
 39  85       240      240.0  Optic-Chiasm                    -339.9201    
33.8276  -387.3214  -244.3237   142.9977 
 40 251      1125     1125.0  CC_Posterior                    -287.1999    
13.0189  -328.2475  -253.4940    74.7535 
 41 252       474      474.0  CC_Mid_Posterior                -258.9252     
7.4909  -275.8824  -243.3831    32.4993 
 42 253       466      466.0  CC_Central                      -243.8036     
9.1146  -260.0744  -213.7926    46.2818 
 43 254       506      506.0  CC_Mid_Anterior                 -220.1470    
10.0537  -248.5798  -188.5451    60.0347 
 44 255       913      913.0  CC_Anterior                     -214.1350    
20.9075  -243.5242  -150.2715    93.2527 
 45 1000       723      723.0  ctx-lh-unknown                  -268.9304    
44.9523  -368.2704  -151.4314   216.8390 
 46 1001      2368     2368.0  ctx-lh-bankssts                 -181.3014    
22.6124  -237.0966   -91.1488   145.9478 
 47 1002      2124     2124.0  ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate  -166.5679    
24.2600  -239.7585  -107.8335   131.9250 
 48 1003      5407     5407.0  ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal      -138.6242    
38.4188  -223.4834    -4.1240   219.3594 
 49 1005      2805     2805.0  ctx-lh-cuneus                   -219.2092    
24.4863  -307.2400  -100.9523   206.2876 
 50 1006      1835     1835.0  ctx-lh-entorhinal               -313.5578    
37.2401  -400.2783  -245.7666   154.5116 
 51 1007      9297     9297.0  ctx-lh-fusiform                 -271.4266    
44.9975  -403.3750  -178.3286   225.0465 
 52 1008     11208    11208.0  ctx-lh-inferiorparietal         -198.1575    
29.6503  -337.2401   -97.1248   240.1152 
 53 1009      9229     9229.0  ctx-lh-inferiortemporal         -292.8779    
58.9245  -402.0195  -139.4616   262.5579 
 54 1010      2200     2200.0  ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate         -256.2006    
13.6217  -309.5894  -221.2736    88.3158 
 55 1011     10741    10741.0  ctx-lh-lateraloccipital         -241.9617    
44.5052  -387.3303  -134.7086   252.6217 
 56 1012      6759     6759.0  ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal     -234.8751    
55.8340  -391.7819  -116.4604   275.3214 
 57 1013      5512     5512.0  ctx-lh-lingual                  -252.9017    
15.0886  -364.8814  -199.6257   165.2558 
 58 1014      3917     3917.0  ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal      -224.2145    
76.9983  -385.2454   -15.3043   369.9411 
 59 1015     10136    10136.0  ctx-lh-middletemporal           -215.7101    
41.6577  -379.8396   -89.4147   290.4249 
 60 1016      2054     2054.0  ctx-lh-parahippocampal          -288.6394    
39.2564  -387.4811  -235.1773   152.3038 
 61 1017      3422     3422.0  ctx-lh-paracentral              -233.0926    
13.5023  -263.2673  -170.3670    92.9003 
 62 1018      4574     4574.0  ctx-lh-parsopercularis          -149.2349    
39.6032  -217.8855     9.6249   227.5103 
 63 1019      1593     1593.0  ctx-lh-parsorbitalis            -169.5554    
35.9393  -282.0561   -72.7232   209.3329 
 64 1020      3291     3291.0  ctx-lh-parstriangularis         -144.1005    
36.0805  -230.1887     4.5093   234.6980 
 65 1021      1713     1713.0  ctx-lh-pericalcarine            -231.6538     
8.5455  -255.3997  -203.6041    51.7957 
 66 1022     10227    10227.0  ctx-lh-postcentral              -181.9029    
37.4439  -299.1582   -21.3713   277.7869 
 67 1023      2807     2807.0  ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate       -230.5880    
18.4718  -274.6758  -173.2297   101.4461 
 68 1024     12919    12919.0  ctx-lh-precentral               -183.6406    
39.6604  -306.2378   -40.3290   265.9088 
 69 1025      9442     9442.0  ctx-lh-precuneus                -230.5928    
15.9918  -306.5322  -163.3685   143.1636 
 70 1026      2548     2548.0  ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate  -157.6567    
39.7513  -254.3800   -89.2986   165.0814 
 71 1027     13071    13071.0  ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal      -83.8164    
67.7580  -394.8940   134.8738   529.7678 
 72 1028     21736    21736.0  ctx-lh-superiorfrontal          -122.8224    
69.0962  -316.2417   196.0131   512.2548 
 73 1029     12628    12628.0  ctx-lh-superiorparietal         -221.9534    
26.6104  -364.8822  -107.6960   257.1862 
 74 1030     11394    11394.0  ctx-lh-superiortemporal         -186.1106    
40.3886  -350.9529   -40.3714   310.5815 
 75 1031     10576    10576.0  ctx-lh-supramarginal            -176.2239    
42.3754  -354.6027   -41.8400   312.7627 
 76 1032       595      595.0  ctx-lh-frontalpole              -283.6195    
82.6117  -394.6566   -37.1957   357.4609 
 77 1033      2431     2431.0  ctx-lh-temporalpole             -277.4131    
30.0602  -374.9873  -178.5805   196.4068 
 78 1034      1232     1232.0  ctx-lh-transversetemporal       -210.0555    
15.6700  -241.2193  -159.1772    82.0421 
 79 1035      6246     6246.0  ctx-lh-insula                   -206.2323    
18.6802  -262.2652  -161.5516   100.7136 
 80 2000       486      486.0  ctx-rh-unknown                  -235.6483    
29.0666  -303.1176  -176.8145   126.3031 
 81 2001      1910     1910.0  ctx-rh-bankssts                 -165.2222    
33.7818  -232.1002   -46.5102   185.5900 
 82 2002      1806     1806.0  ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate  -173.3855    
25.8466  -243.1284  -116.1957   126.9327 
 83 2003      5075     5075.0  ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal      -164.3494    
26.3759  -240.7866   -75.2611   165.5255 
 84 2005      3408     3408.0  ctx-rh-cuneus                   -241.5760    
20.8712  -370.4695  -182.1323   188.3371 
 85 2006      1327     1327.0  ctx-rh-entorhinal               -291.8428    
46.4631  -397.5590  -204.5806   192.9784 
 86 2007      8621     8621.0  ctx-rh-fusiform                 -277.8799    
38.7263  -398.6075  -180.0617   218.5457 
 87 2008     12648    12648.0  ctx-rh-inferiorparietal         -203.4482    
32.5607  -354.4304  -108.6639   245.7665 
 88 2009      9708     9708.0  ctx-rh-inferiortemporal         -264.8841    
66.1289  -400.9079   -77.6510   323.2569 
 89 2010      2341     2341.0  ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate         -265.9744    
15.0482  -310.5466  -229.7068    80.8398 
 90 2011     11259    11259.0  ctx-rh-lateraloccipital         -249.5812    
43.6094  -392.7505  -137.7381   255.0125 
 91 2012      6527     6527.0  ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal     -205.4345    
57.0364  -379.2646   -52.3057   326.9589 
 92 2013      6336     6336.0  ctx-rh-lingual                  -270.3578    
14.8451  -375.5747  -218.0085   157.5662 
 93 2014      4191     4191.0  ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal      -217.2649    
76.5895  -381.2976   -28.7736   352.5240 
 94 2015     12028    12028.0  ctx-rh-middletemporal           -166.6064    
53.4122  -370.0519    42.7304   412.7823 
 95 2016      1888     1888.0  ctx-rh-parahippocampal          -291.0411    
34.0657  -386.3947  -243.3085   143.0863 
 96 2017      3708     3708.0  ctx-rh-paracentral              -239.3826    
13.8495  -269.6346  -180.5456    89.0890 
 97 2018      4159     4159.0  ctx-rh-parsopercularis          -124.4858    
40.3498  -206.4271    34.1722   240.5993 
 98 2019      2191     2191.0  ctx-rh-parsorbitalis            -127.3451    
51.8375  -295.4905    11.9257   307.4162 
 99 2020      3475     3475.0  ctx-rh-parstriangularis          -84.7648    
53.4594  -190.6588   101.4333   292.0922 
100 2021      2007     2007.0  ctx-rh-pericalcarine            -250.7360    
12.8022  -325.5542  -173.3052   152.2490 
101 2022      9599     9599.0  ctx-rh-postcentral              -200.0130    
39.5983  -299.2733   -53.0320   246.2413 
102 2023      2682     2682.0  ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate       -235.8722    
18.9181  -285.3879  -169.6746   115.7133 
103 2024     13064    13064.0  ctx-rh-precentral               -187.4779    
45.2968  -282.6149   -29.0527   253.5621 
104 2025      9932     9932.0  ctx-rh-precuneus                -240.3425    
16.8327  -338.1844  -166.0625   172.1219 
105 2026      1904     1904.0  ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate  -159.2295    
47.7504  -328.0970   -69.7684   258.3285 
106 2027     13009    13009.0  ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal      -76.5586    
64.9635  -388.0326   139.6366   527.6691 
107 2028     19644    19644.0  ctx-rh-superiorfrontal          -136.2872    
62.1116  -250.7094   117.8829   368.5923 
108 2029     12094    12094.0  ctx-rh-superiorparietal         -231.3411    
27.9200  -377.6333  -148.5919   229.0414 
109 2030     11110    11110.0  ctx-rh-superiortemporal         -144.3232    
45.9093  -303.4510    -4.4534   298.9976 
110 2031     11218    11218.0  ctx-rh-supramarginal            -183.9012    
36.5165  -339.1638   -46.8222   292.3416 
111 2032       735      735.0  ctx-rh-frontalpole              -225.4727   
127.2478  -388.1892    80.9771   469.1663 
112 2033      1999     1999.0  ctx-rh-temporalpole             -237.0710    
32.1687  -352.4148  -168.1622   184.2525 
113 2034       948      948.0  ctx-rh-transversetemporal       -197.8872    
24.2673  -238.0692  -137.0336   101.0356 
114 2035      6087     6087.0  ctx-rh-insula                   -179.7504    
28.2217  -253.5477  -103.3342   150.2135 

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