On 1/27/15 1:56 PM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote:
The maps were generated by Siemens scanner, fitting a multi-spin-echo protocol.

I see your point, though. The values should not range between 0 to 4000. The latter 4000 value is the background out-of-brain map value. But when looking at the T2_siemens_reg.mgz, overlaid on the aparc+aseg.mgz in freeview, the white matter (segment #2) seems well within the brain, and does not include any parts that have value = 0 or 4000.

_Question 1_: is it possible to look at the actual set of values that are used to calculate these mean and STD result? This would probably give some hint as to the large std. Perhaps there are small number of outliers that contribute to the large variation?
You can use matlab, something like
t2 = MRIread('T2_siemsn_reg.mgz');
seg = MRIread('aparc+aseg.mgz');
ind = find(seg.vol == 17); % left hippo
t2hip = t2.vol(ind);

See $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt for a list of segmentation numbers

_Question 2_: (just to put my mind at rest): if both tkregister2 and freeview show show that the maps register accurately on the segmentation data, does it mean that mri_segstats masks the T2 maps correctly? I’m asking this because if the segmentation masks are off by, e.g., 90-degree, it would cause to a large number of values=4000 to be included in the mean/std values.
It should. You can also try
tkmedit -f t2file.mgz -seg  aparc+aseg.mgz

 — Noam

On Jan 27, 2015, at 7:30 PM, Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

It is finding 0s in the T2 (the range is 0-4000). I'm not sure about the 4000, but the 0s indicate that something is strange with that image. How was it created?

On 1/27/15 1:22 PM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote:
— I (think that) I am not really interested in converting into rawavg coordinate system, but just need to register my T2 maps to the segmentation maps.
So, I guess that aseg+aparc.mgz will suffice in my case

— Regarding the mean +- std values:
Yes - the T2 maps are whole brain. could that account for the large STD?

I have tried running it w/o --seg-erode.… the mean values stay similar yet, the standard-deviation increases significantly. I’ve also tried erode=2 pixels, which gave identical results to erode=1 pixel.

With erode (2 pixels):
# ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range 1 2 125567 125567.0 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 97.9045 68.8609 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 2 7 10833 10833.0 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.1878 14.7193 0.0000 608.0000 608.0000 3 41 130433 130433.0 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 96.1764 60.0490 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 4 46 11551 11551.0 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.2395 15.3000 0.0000 453.0000 453.0000

With erode (1 pixel):
# ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range 1 2 125567 125567.0 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 97.9045 68.8609 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 2 7 10833 10833.0 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.1878 14.7193 0.0000 608.0000 608.0000 3 41 130433 130433.0 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 96.1764 60.0490 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 4 46 11551 11551.0 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.2395 15.3000 0.0000 453.0000 453.0000

Without erode:
# ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range 1 2 193533 193533.0 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 99.1265 125.6069 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 2 7 17794 17794.0 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 7.2259 65.3060 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 3 41 197895 197895.0 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 96.9839 115.9002 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 4 46 17999 17999.0 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 6.0798 88.1490 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000

It’s indeed encouraging that using the erode option decreases the STD, but I’m still wondering whether there a way to validate accuracy of the values.


On Jan 27, 2015, at 6:50 PM, Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

On 1/27/15 12:38 PM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote:
Thanks Doug.

I’ve made two changes to the set of commands.

*1.* Following your suggestion, I’ve shifted from --init-spm to --init-header and now tkregister2 shows that the registration is OK.

>>tkregister2 --mov T2_siemens.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat —surf

*2.* When loading the result of vol2vol command (T2_siemens_reg.mgz):
>> mri_vol2vol --mov T2_siemens.mgz --targ subj01/mri/aparc+aseg-in-rawavg.mgz --interp nearest --o T2_siemens_reg.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --no-save-reg into freeview the maps are rotated 90-deg in-plane and 90-deg through plane versus the segmentation maps — in short they do not match in orientation.

I’ve solved this by changing from using aseg+aparc-in-rawavg.mgz to aseg+aparg.mgz >> mri_vol2vol --mov T2_siemens.mgz --targ subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --interp nearest --o T2_siemens_reg.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --no-save-reg

_Question1:_ Is that a correct approach? not to use the rawavg coordinate system?
Oh, I did not see that. Yes, that is the problem. If you want to use the rawavg coordinate system, then you'll have to create another registration file because the one that you have only goes between the T2 and the conformed 256 1mm space. Let me know if that is what you want.


Now, I re- gather statistics using:
>> mri_segstats --seg $FSsubjDIR/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --id 2 7 41 46 --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i T2_siemens_reg.mgz --sum T2_siemens_stats.stats --seg-erode 1

and get the following values:
# ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range 1 2 125567 125567.0 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 97.9045 68.8609 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 2 7 10833 10833.0 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.1878 14.7193 0.0000 608.0000 608.0000 3 41 130433 130433.0 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 96.1764 60.0490 0.0000 4000.0000 4000.0000 4 46 11551 11551.0 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 1.2395 15.3000 0.0000 453.0000 453.0000

_Question 2:_
Is there any way to verify that these values are accurate…?
(I am a little worried by the large standard deviation values)
Yes, I see what you mean. Is the T2 whole brain? Have you tried it without --seg-erode?

Thanks again for the prompt replies,
 — Noam

On Jan 27, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

First off, I would use --init-header instead of --init-spm. Probably won't make a difference, but it is safer in this case. Second, look at the registration in tkregister (bbregister prints out the command line, you can just cut and paste).

ps. Please remember to post the list instead of directly to us. thanks!

On 1/27/15 11:23 AM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote:
Hi Doug —

My apologies for the confusion. Please ignore the commands set below.
There is only one set of commands that I tried.


>> mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot mgz SEMC_siemens_T2maps/ T2_siemens.mgz >> bbregister --s subj01 --mov T2_siemens.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --init-spm --t2 >> mri_vol2vol --mov T2_siemens.mgz --targ subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --interp nearest --o T2_siemens_reg.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --no-save-reg >> mri_segstats --seg subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --id 2 7 41 46 --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i T2_siemens_reg.mgz --sum T2_siemens_stats.stats --seg-erode 1

But as I wrote below — loading the registered T2 map T2_siemens_reg.mgz into Freeview shows that it’s incorrectly registered on the segmentation maps.

Thanks and sorry for the confusion,
 — Noam

On Jan 27, 2015, at 5:07 PM, Ben Eliezer, Noam <noam.ben-elie...@nyumc.org <mailto:noam.ben-elie...@nyumc.org>> wrote:

Hi Doug —

Thank you for the prompt reply!

I have indeed tried using bbregister (and consult the -- help) but I am probably not using it correctly.

I’ve tried two set of commands:

>> mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot mgz SEMC_siemens_T2maps/ T2_siemens.mgz >> bbregister --s subj01--mov T2_siemens.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --init-spm --t2 >> mri_segstats —seg subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --id 2 7 41 46 --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i T2_siemens_reg.mgz --sum T2_siemens_stats.stats --seg-erode 1

>> mri_convert -it siemens_dicom -ot mgz SEMC_siemens_T2maps/ T2_siemens.mgz >> mri_vol2vol --mov T2_siemens.mgz --targ subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --interp nearest --o T2_siemens_reg.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat --no-save-reg >> mri_segstats --seg subj01/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --id 2 7 41 46 --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i T2_siemens_reg.mgz --sum T2_siemens_stats.stats --seg-erode 1

Both set of commands age the same statistics values, yet, in both cases the registration seemed wrong, when running:
>>tkregister2 --mov T2_siemens.mgz --reg T2_siemens_regMat.dat —surf

so I am not sure if the values I get are ok….

Also, when loading the registered T2 maps (T2_siemens_reg.mgz) into Freeview they did not coincide with my aseg+aparc.mgz or aseg+aparc-in-rawavg.mgz

Any help would be highly appreciated!


On 1/27/15 2:11 AM, Ben Eliezer, Noam wrote:

    Hello ---

    I'm trying to extract quantitative T2 values for different brain segments.

    I've converted my T2 set of DICOMs to .mgz format using
    mri_convert and loaded them into freeview. >> mri_convert
    -it siemens_dicom -ot mgz T2_maps_Dir/slice_1_T2_map.dcm
    T2_in_mgz.mgz After loading T2_in_mgz.mgz to Freeview the
    T2 maps seem to coincide very well with the segmentation
    maps (aseg+aparc-in-rawavg.mgz).

    My questions are:

    1. Should I have applied some pre-registration operation on
    the T2 maps before loading them into freeview, or does the
    fact that they coincide with the segmentation maps mean
    that I don't need to apply any registration?

Since they are in the same session, they will be pretty close in registration, it just depends on how much the subject moved between the two acquisitions. As a matter of course, I would run a registration on them (bbregister with --init-header). This subject may not have moved much but it is no guarantee that others won't move more.

    2. How can I extract mean T2 values for different segments?
    (not the usual volume-per-segment)

Use mri_segstats. Run with --help to get examples

    Much obliged!
      --- Noam

    Noam Ben-Eliezer, PhD
    Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology
    Center for Biomedical-Imaging
    New-York University Medical School
    noam.ben-elie...@nyumc.org  <http://nyumc.org/>  

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