
cd  $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/surf
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>> help read_surf
   [vertex_coords, faces] = read_surf(fname)
   reads a the vertex coordinates and face lists from a surface file
   note that reading the faces from a quad file can take a very long
   time due to the goofy format that they are stored in. If the faces
   output variable is not specified, they will not be read so it
   should execute pretty quickly.

>> [v,f] = read_surf('lh.inflated');
>> help read_curv
   [curv, fnum] = read_curv(fname)
   reads a binary curvature file into a vector

>> [thick,fnum] = read_curv('lh.thickness');

2. Yes, but I'll leave this for Doug.

and your other question in the next email - the qcache flag does *not* 
regenerate fsaverage, it just maps some things (like thickness) to the 
fsaverage space. In general we haven't found the need to recreate fsaverage 
since the warping is so high dimensional, but you can do so if you want 
with make_average_subject.


On Sun, 31 May 2015, Ashkan Faghiri wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have two question.
> 1- I am unable to read a surface to matlab, can you please give me an
> example. how should i load a surface with overlay to matlab and display it
> (e.g. do it for bert)
> 2- another question, can we use another test in place of t-test? how?
> A.Faghiri
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