I used the following command to convert a sagittal slice from analyze to mgz 
format. The original was acquired in an anterior to posterior/right to left 
angle of slices. However, while it is converting to an mgz properly, it seems 
to be giving me a flip upside down, and reverting to transverse orientation. 
How do I specify for the sagittal slice?
$FREESURFER_HOME/bin/mri_convert \
$SUBJECTS_DIR/fmri35_MPRAGE_o17/fmri35_MPRAGE_o17_0001.img -it analyze 
--in_orientation PIR \

- Jennifer Lynn Sarai Kriegel
MS in Psychological Sciences, Cognition and Neuroscience Emphasis
Functional Neuroimaging of Memory Lab, Center for Vital Longevity
The University of Texas at Dallas
I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what 
can't be done.
- Henry Ford

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason 
for existing.
- Albert Einstein

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