I am reposting this message, as I didn't get any answer so far:

Dear Freesurfer experts

I have run a group ROI analysis comparing cortical thickness and area 
between two groups of subject. I did this in two different ways: (1) 
using mri_segstats after transforming each subject's data to fsaverage 
space, AND (2) using mris_anatomical_stats after transforming the ROI 
from fsaverage space to the space of each subjects. I get very similar 
results for cortical thickness, but completely different results for 
area. Does anyone have any idea why that could be happening ?


I have an ROI that I obtained from an atlas in MNI space and projected 
to the fsaverage surface (into say ROI_lh.mgh file). The aim of the ROI 
analysis was to find whether there are differences in cortical thickness 
and area between two groups of subjects in this ROI.

I tested this in two ways:

Method 1:
a) I transformed the cortical thickness and area data of each subject 
into fsaverage space

mri_surf2surf --s subj --trgsubject fsaverage --hemi lh --sval area 
--tval subj_area_fsaverage.mgh

mri_surf2surf --s subj --trgsubject fsaverage --hemi lh --sval thickness 
--tval subj_thickness_fsaverage.mgh

b) I averaged the thickness or area data within the ROI in fsaverage 
space for each subject using mri _segstats

mri_segstats --seg ROI_lh.mgh --in subj_area_fsaverage.mgh --sum 

mri_segstats --seg ROI_lh.mgh --in subj_area_fsaverage.mgh --sum 

c) I used a 2-sample T test to compare the area or thickness output 
between my two groups of subjects.

Method 2:
a) I transformed ROI.mgh into a label file ROI.label

mri_cor2label --i ROI_lh.mgh --id 1 --l ROI_lh.label --surf fsaverage lh

b) I transformed the label file from fsaverage space to each subject's space

mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel ROI_lh.label 
--trgsubject subj --trglabel ROI_lh_subj.label --hemi lh --regmethod surface

c) I averaged the thickness and area data within the ROI in each 
subject's space using mris_anatomicalstats

mris_anatomical_stats -l ROI_lh_subj.label -f output_subj.stats subj lh

d) I used a 2 sample T test to compare the area or thickness data (from 
the output_subj.stats files) between my two groups of subjects.

For cortical thickness, i obtain very similar results (not identical, 
but similar to a hundredth of a mm), but for area, I get completely 
different results, sometimes opposite direction of effect between the 
two groups. I have 10 ROIs, and across ROIs, group differences are much 
more significant in the first than the second method. The areal results 
are in different units, which is expected (in the first method, they are 
in mm2/vertex and in the second they are in mm2 because they express the 
total area of the ROI). But despite that, shouldn't I get similar 
patterns of results ? I would have assumed that the vertexwise areal 
values averaged in the first method should somehow reflect differences 
in area betwen subjects and therefore should give similar result to the 
total area approach (2nd method). Or is it that, in the first method, 
mri_surf2surf interpolates the vertexwise areal values without taking 
into account the stretching/deformation from the subject's space to 
fsaverage space (in contrast with a vertexwise analysis using 
mris_preproc) ?

This is suggested by the fact that when I divide the total ROI area data 
obtained in the second method by the number of vertices in the ROI (in 
each subject's space), I end up with results that are very similar to 
the first method. The absolute values are different (around 0.7 
mm2/vertex in the first method and around 0.6 mm2/vertex for the second 
method), but the group effects are in the same direction (across the 10 
ROIs, all the effect sizes and p-values are similar so it can't be a 
coincidence). This suggests that the vertexwise areal values obtained in 
both methods simply reflect the ROI-average vertexwise areal values of 
each subject's mesh (and therefore do not include potential areal 
differences between subjects, assuming similar vertex spacing betwen 
subjects, and so shouldn't be used to compare areas between groups). 
However, if this is correct, isn't it strange that I should find 
significant differences in these vertexwise areal values between groups?

So I guess I have three main questions:

1) Why is there a difference between the 2 methods for area but not 
thickness ?

2) What is the 'correct' method for area (if any) ? Or is there a better 
method for an ROI analysis of area?

3) Why are there even significant differences between vertexwise area 
values in the first and second method ?

I am using Freesurfer v 5.3.0 (although the first analysis was 
potentially run using 5.0.0, not sure!)

Thanks in advance


Julien Besle
Senior Investigator Scientist
MRC Institute of Hearing Research
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD
United Kingdom

tel: +44 (0)115 951 8508 Ext 209
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