I have run
mri_segstats --seg .../my-glm.wls/group.diff/cache.th13.neg.sig.masked.
nii.gz rh parc --i subj/fc.seed.surf.rh/R_seed/z.nii.gz --sum 

and I have obtained 9 columns and 5 rows.
I'm confused on results. Where is the mean z-score for cache.th13.neg.

# ColHeaders  Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev 
Min Max Range  
  1  -4         7        7.0  Seg-004    -2.4544     0.5023    
-3.2164    -1.7619     1.4545 
  2  -3       153      153.0  Seg-003    -2.6662     1.4724    
-6.2120     1.7587     7.9707 
  3  -2       848      848.0  Seg-002    -2.4930     2.0088    
-6.4504     2.3528     8.8032 
  4  -1      1518     1518.0  Seg-001    -2.1416     1.6727    
-6.4227     2.5420     8.9648 
  5   0    161316   161316.0  Seg0000     1.4152     1.6218    
-7.0471    14.1452    21.1923

Because my data are on surface mri_surfcluster should be helpful?



>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>Data: 3-nov-2015 19.55
>A: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] R: Re: average z-score of each subject from a 
common cluster
>look in the summaryfile. Also, don't use --seg z.nii.gz. In the 
>below, it works because you have --annot afterwards, but in general 
>is not correct
>On 10/30/2015 04:22 PM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
>> Thanks.
>> I have obtained:
>> $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 2013/02/16 00:09:33 greve Exp $
>> cwd
>> cmdline mri_segstats --seg z.nii.gz --annot Control21_FS rh aparc --
>> z.nii.gz --sum summaryfile
>> sysname  Darwin
>> hostname iMac-di-Stefano.local
>> machine  x86_64
>> user     Stefano
>> UseRobust  0
>> Loading z.nii.gz
>> Loading z.nii.gz
>> Voxel Volume is 1 mm^3
>> Generating list of segmentation ids
>> Found  22 segmentations
>> Computing statistics for each segmentation
>>   0    -7           2       2.000
>>   1    -6         110     110.000
>>   2    -5         255     255.000
>>   3    -4         518     518.000
>>   4    -3       1190    1190.000
>>   5    -2       1692    1692.000
>>   6    -1       4104    4104.000
>>   7     0       61577   61577.000
>>   8     1       42598   42598.000
>>   9     2       28146   28146.000
>>  10     3       14859   14859.000
>>  11     4       5845    5845.000
>>  12     5       1899    1899.000
>>  13     6         485     485.000
>>  14     7         116     116.000
>>  15     8         75      75.000
>>  16     9         74      74.000
>>  17    10         78      78.000
>>  18    11         65      65.000
>>  19    12         104     104.000
>>  20    13         45      45.000
>>  21    14           5       5.000
>> How I can know the meaning of this number? Where is z?
>> I have tried also with:
>> mri_segstats --seg z.nii.gz --annot Control_21 rh aparc --i z.nii.
>> --sum summaryfile --mask 
>> .../fc.ramgseed.surf.rh/R_Amygdala/my-glm.wls/group.diff/cache.th13.
>> --avgwfvol mrivol
>> but I have problem with interpretation.
>> Stefano
>>     ----Messaggio originale----
>>     Da: gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>     Data: 30-ott-2015 16.17
>>     A: <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>>     Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] average z-score of each subject from a
>>     common cluster
>>     On 10/30/15 7:16 AM, std...@virgilio.it wrote:
>>>     Hi list,
>>>     I have two queries, please.
>>>     I'd like to have the z-score from my rsfMRI data (seed-
>>>     1) I have extract the z-score from the Vtx Max
>>>     In details, after groups comparison analysis, I have opened
>>>     the cache.th13.pos.sig.cluster.summary contained in group.diff
>>>     folder and I have read the Vtx Max coordinates.
>>>     Next, I have open the z.nii.gz of each subject and I have
>>>     expected the z-score from the vertex which have the Vtx Max
>>>     coordinates.
>>>     Is this procedure corrected?
>>     Yes
>>>     2) z-score of each subject from a common cluster
>>>     I would like to use the cluster which shows the group 
>>>     (cache.th13.pos.sig.cluster.nii.gz) as ROI mask. Thus, I would
>>>     extract from it the average of the z-score which is contained 
>>>     each subject.
>>>     How should I do?
>>     Use mri_segstats passing the z map as the input (--i) and the
>>     cluster map as the seg. The output will be --sum. Run with --
>>     for more info
>>>     Thanks.
>>>     Stefano
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>Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>MGH-NMR Center
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