Can you send me one of the e0070_CC12_new.aseg.stats files?

On 12/06/2015 08:12 AM, UQAM wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> We used these:
> mri_cc_new -aseg aseg.auto_noCCseg.mgz -o aseg.12segmentsCC_new.mgz -d 
> 12 e0070
> ... (for all the subjects from e0042 to a0040)
> mri_segstats --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/e0070/mri/aseg.12segmentsCC_new.mgz 
> --ctab $SUBJECTS_DIR/CColorLUT.txt --nonempty --excludeid 0 --sum 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/e0070/stats/e0070_CC12_new.aseg.stats
> .... (for all the subjects from e0042 to a0040)
> asegstats2table --subjects e0042 e0041 e0035 e0048 e0058 e0059 e0053 
> e0032 e0047 e0036 e0039 e0049 e0051 e0050 e0045 e0061 e0062 e0063 
> e0064 e0065 e0066 e0067 e0068 e0070 e0071 e0072 e0073 e0074 e0075 
> e0076 e0077 e0021 e0004 e0078 e0079 e0080 e0013 e0081 e0082 e0083 
> a0001 a0002 a0003 a0004 a0005 a0006 a0007 a0008 a0009 a0010 a0011 
> a0012 a0013 a0014 a0015 a0016 a0017 a0018 a0019 a0020 a0021 a0022 
> a0023 a0024 a0025 a0026 a0027 a0028 a0029 a0030 a0031 a0032 a0033 
> a0034 a0035 a0036 a0037 a0038 a0039 a0040 --meas volume --tablefile 
> aseg_stats_12CC_new.txt
> Genevieve
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Bruce Fischl 
> < <>> wrote:
>     HI Genevieve
>     you'll need to send us all your command lines
>     cheers
>     Bruce
>     On Fri, 4 Dec 2015, UQAM wrote:
>         Hi again Bruce,
>         The mri_cc & mri_segstats run just fine.
>         - When I open the open the new segmented .mgz files
>         (aseg.12segmentsCC_new.mgz) in tkmedit I can
>         clearly visualize the 12 segments.
>         - When I open the .stats file I get volumes for each of the 12
>         corpus callosum segments.
>         However, when I run the asegstats2table the result is a .txt
>         file with the usual 5 segments of
>         the corpus callosum  (anterior, ...).
>         Any clue why the asegstats2table doesn't take into account the
>         new 12 segments?
>         See relevant files attached,
>         As usual thanks so much ; )
>         Genevieve
>         On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 3:07 PM, Bruce Fischl
>         <
>         <>> wrote:
>               Hi Genevieve
>               I just reran it locally and confirmed that the segments
>         start at 230 for me, so I'm not
>               sure what's going on. Still, maybe it meets your needs
>         for now (but be aware that when
>               we release V6 the segment numbering is likely to start
>         at 230)
>               cheers
>               Bruce
>               On Fri, 4 Dec 2015, UQAM wrote:
>                     Hi Bruce,
>                     We were using the correct mri_cc, but our segments
>         were numbered 251 to 262
>                     instead of 230 to 241
>                     in the CColorLUT.txt. With this adjustment, the
>         mri_cc now runs perfectly
>                     and segments in 12.
>                     Many thanks for your support!
>                     Best,
>                     Genevieve
>                     On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Bruce Fischl
>         < <>>
>                     wrote:
>                           Hi Genevieve
>                           are you sure you are using the correct
>         mri_cc? I used your command
>                     line and got 12
>                           segments. How many segents do you get? It
>         should generate segments
>                     numbered 230-241 I
>                           think. You'll need to make your own entries
>         in the ColorLUT.txt file
>                     if you want to see
>                           them in prespecified colors and names and such
>                           cheers
>                           Bruce
>                           On Fri, 27 Nov 2015, UQAM wrote:
>                                 Hi Zeke,
>                                 We tried the new version of mri_cc and
>         we still do not get 12
>                     segments of
>                                 the corpus callosum when we open
>                                 the aseg.12segmentsCC.mgz in a viewer.
>                                 Could you send us the script you
>         launch after the recon_all to
>                     get aseg.mgz
>                                 files with 12 segments?
>                                 basically the mri_cc
>                                 Could you also please explain how to
>         edit the ColorLut.txt file
>                                 Finally, what is the precise script of
>         the mri_segstats to
>                     generate stats
>                                 tables.
>                                 Thanks again,
>                                 Cheers,
>                                 Genevieve
>                                 On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Z K
>                     <
>         <>> wrote:
>                                       Hello Genevieve,
>                                       Below is a link to the newest
>         version of mri_cc. Please
>                     copy it to
>                                 your FREESURFER_HOME
>                                       directory and backup the original.
>                                       Hope this help.
>                                       -Zeke
>                                       On 11/24/2015 05:56 AM, UQAM wrote:
>                                             Hi Bruce,
>                                             DELL R910
>                                             Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7520
>         @ 1.87GHz (16 cores)
>                                             32 Go RAM
>                                             CentOS release 5.10 (Final)
>                                             kernel 2.6.18-371.3.1.el5
>                                             On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at
>         7:32 PM, Bruce Fischl
>         < <>
>                                 <
>         <>>> wrote:
>                                                 Hi Genevieve
>                                                 I just tracked this
>         down and it is a bug in
>                     mri_cc. If you
>                                 tell Zeke
>                                                 your hardware/software
>         environment he can get
>                     you a new
>                                 version that
>                                                 should work
>                                                 cheers
>                                                 Bruce
>                                                 On Mon, 23 Nov 2015,
>         UQAM wrote:
>                                                     Hi Bruce,
>                                                     Please find the
>         two files attached.
>                                                     Genevieve
>                                                     On Mon, Nov 23,
>         2015 at 2:39 PM, Bruce
>                     Fischl
>         < <>
>                                 <
>         <>>>
>                                                     wrote:
>                                                            Hi Geneviève
>                                                            if you send
>         us the
>                     $SUBJECTS_DIR/CColorLUT.txt
>                                 and
>         $SUBJECTS_DIR/e0070/mri/aseg.12segmentsCC.mgz and we
>                                 will take a
>          look
>          cheers
>          Bruce
>                                                            On Mon, 23
>         Nov 2015, UQAM wrote:
>            Hi,
>            This a a "re-posting" of a
>                     question I've
>                                 raised
>                                                     last week ; )
>            I would like to segment the
>                     corpus
>                                 callosum
>                                                     into twelve even
>         lenght segments
>            instead of the five segments
>                     that
>                                 freesurfer
>                                                     includes by default.
>            - First I ran a mri_cc on
>                     subject e0070:
>            mri_cc -aseg
>                     aseg.auto_noCCseg.mgz -o
>         aseg.12segmentsCC.mgz -d 12 e0070
>            - Then I edited the
>                     ColorLUT.txt file and
>                                 renamed
>                                                     it CColorLUT.txt (see
>            attachment, segments 251 to
>                     262).
>            - Finally I ran a mri_segstats
>                     to compute
>                                 the
>                                                     statistics on
>         segmented
>            volumes.
>            mri_segstats seg
>         $SUBJECTS_DIR/e0070/mri/aseg.12segmentsCC.mgz --ctab
>            $SUBJECTS_DIR/CColorLUT.txt
>                     --nonempty
>                                 --excludeid
>                                                     0 sum
>            --e0070_CC12.aseg.stats
>            The e0070_CC12.aseg.stats file
>                     still
>                                 displays only
>                                                     five segments of the
>            corpus callosum.
>            Any tips or clues on how I
>                     could do things
>         differently to get 12 segments?
>            Thanks in advance,
>            Geneviève
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
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