Hi Thomas,

Thanks, I have taken your advise and used the LooseMask for the 7 network parcellation in steps 3a and b. How do I now mask it again with FreeSurfer's segmentation of striatal regions as you have suggested?

Kind regards,

Bronwyn Overs
Research Assistant

Neuroscience Research Australia

Neuroscience Research Australia
Margarete Ainsworth Building
Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia
*M* 0411 308 769 *T* +61 2 9399 1883

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On 9/05/2016 12:29 pm, Thomas Yeo wrote:
Hi Bronwyn,

I was using that as a placeholder. You can use any of these:


Depending on whether you want the 7 or 17 networks and/or whether you want to use the loose or tight mask. My suggestion is to use the LooseMask and then after the parcellation has been project to the subject's native space, you can mask it again with FreeSurfer's segmentation of striatal regions (e.g., caudate, putamen and nucleus accumbens) in your subject's native MRI.

For Step 2, you can use FSL_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed_1mm.nii or you can use the MNI152 1mm template distributed by FSL.


On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 9:37 AM, Bronwyn Overs <b.ov...@neura.edu.au <mailto:b.ov...@neura.edu.au>> wrote:

    Hi Thomas,

    I am not sure which file you are referring to when you say
    "Choi_atlas1mm.nii.gz". The files I have from the freesurfer wiki are:


    Which if any of these should I designate as the source in step 3a?

    Also for step 2 I used "FSL_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed_1mm.nii",
    is this correct?

    Kind regards,

    Bronwyn Overs
    Research Assistant

    Neuroscience Research Australia

    Neuroscience Research Australia
    Margarete Ainsworth Building
    Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia
    *M* 0411 308 769 *T* +61 2 9399 1883 <tel:%2B61%202%209399%201883>

    neura.edu.au <http://neura.edu.au>

    Follow @neuraustralia on twitter
    <https://twitter.com/neuraustralia>Follow NeuRA on facebook
    to the NeuRA Magazine

    On 6/05/2016 12:50 am, Thomas Yeo wrote:
    Hi Doug, the Choi file is a striatal functional connectivity
    atlas which we distribute. It's under the average directory.

    Hi Bronwyn,

    To transform the Choi's striatal atlas to your individual
    subject, Here's a (non-ideal) suggestion I previously suggested
    to another user:

    1) Assuming you are quite happy with the freesurfer striatal
    parcellation in your individual subjects, then I am assuming
    freesurfer nonlinear registration (talairach.m3z) is working
    quite well. Talairach.m3z warps your subject to an internal
    freesurfer space (kinda like MNI305, but not quite). Let's say
    the freesurfer recon-all output is at <something>/SUBJECT_FS/

    2) Run the MNI152 1mm template (the one from FSL) through
    recon-all. Recon-all will give you a Talairach.m3z that allows
    you to map the MNI152 1mm template to the internal freesurfer
    space. Let's say the freesurfer recon-all output is at

    3) Then do the following:

    a) warp the Choi_atlas1mm.nii.gz to freesurfer nonlinear
    volumetric space:

    >> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR <something>
    >> mri_vol2vol_used --mov Choi_atlas1mm.nii.gz --s MNI152_FS
    --targ $FREESURFER_HOME/average/mni305.cor.mgz --m3z
    talairach.m3z --o Choi_atlas_freesurfer_internal_space.nii.gz
    --interp nearest

    b) warp the Choi_atlas_freesurfer_internal_space.nii.gz to your

    >> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR <something>
    >> mri_vol2vol --mov $SUBJECTS_DIR/AD_SUBJECT_FS/mri/norm.mgz --s
    AD_SUBJECT_FS --targ Choi_atlas_freesurfer_internal_space.nii.gz
    --m3z talairach.m3z --o Choi_atlas_AD_subject.nii.gz --interp
    nearest --inv-morph

    This is not optimal because of the double interpolation. You
    might want to use the MNI template instead of the Choi_atlas to
    test the above, so you can check the goodness of the warp. The
    final warped MNI template should hopefully look identical to your
    subject. If that works, then use the Choi_atlas. Note that
    mri_vol2vol does not work properly for talairach.m3z below
    version 5, so you should use version 5x mri_vol2vol.



    On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 10:24 PM, Douglas Greve
    <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:

        On 5/4/16 11:40 PM, Bronwyn Overs wrote:
        Hi Freesurfer Mailing List,

        I wish to extract stats for my sample for the Yeo 2011
        cortical parcellations and the Choi 2012 striatal
        parcellations (7 networks) that are provided for download on
        the freesurfer wiki. My questions are as follows:

        1. I noticed that the Yeo 2011 annot files are already
        available in fsaverage/label. How do I map these annot file
        to each of my subjects so that I can extract stats?
        Use mri_surf2surf with the --save-annot option
        2. For the Choi 2012 files I wish to use
        . How do I map this file to each of my subjects so that I
        can extract stats for the 7Network parcellation?
        I don't know about this file. Where is it? Is it something we

        Kind regards,

        Bronwyn Overs
        Research Assistant

        Neuroscience Research Australia

        Neuroscience Research Australia
        Margarete Ainsworth Building
        Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia
        *M* 0411 308 769 *T* +61 2 9399 1883

        neura.edu.au <http://neura.edu.au>

        Follow @neuraustralia on twitter
        <https://twitter.com/neuraustralia>Follow NeuRA on facebook
        to the NeuRA Magazine

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