Hi Douglas,

Please find below the mri_coreg terminal output :

*$Id: mri_coreg.c,v 1.27 2016/04/30 15:11:49 greve Exp $*
*cwd /NAS/tupac/matthieu/FS5.3/207118_M0_2014-01-29/pet*
*cmdline mri_coreg --s 207118_M0_2014-01-29 --mov BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz --reg
Pet2T1.BS7.register.dof6.mri_coreg.lta --regdat
Pet2T1.BS7.register.dof6.mri_coreg.dat *
*sysname  Linux*
*hostname yakuza*
*machine  x86_64*
*user     matthieu*
*dof    6*
*nsep    2*
*cras0    1*
*ftol    0.000000*
*linmintol    0.001000*
*bf       1*
*bflim    30.000000*
*bfnsamp    30*
*SmoothRef 0*
*SatPct    99.990000*
*MovOOB 0*
*optschema 1*
*Reading in mov BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz*
*Reading in ref
*Reading in and applying refmask
*Setting cras translation parameters to align centers*
*Creating random numbers for coordinate dithering*
*Performing intensity dithering*
*Initial parameters 20.9141 11.8161 149.1538  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 1.0000  1.0000  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 *
*Separation list (2):  4  2   min = 2*
*DoSmoothing 1*
*DoCoordDither 1*
*DoIntensityDither 1*
*nitersmax 4*
*ftol 1.000e-07*
*linmintol 1.000e-03*
*SatPct 99.990000*
*Hist FWHM 7.000000 7.000000*
*nthreads 1*
*movsat = 10897.7666*
*mov gstd 0.8459 0.8459 0.8459*
*Smoothing mov*
*refsat = 119.0000*
*ref gstd 0.8459 0.8459 0.8459*
*Smoothing ref*
*COREGpreproc() done*
*Testing if mov and target overlap*
*Init cost   -1.0011578057*
*nhits = 262144 out of 16777216, Percent Overlap: 100.0*
*Initial  RefRAS-to-MovRAS*
* 1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   20.91408;*
* 0.00000   1.00000   0.00000   11.81612;*
* 0.00000   0.00000   1.00000   149.15384;*
* 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;*
*Initial  RefVox-to-MovVox*
* 1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000;*
* 0.00000   0.00000  -1.00000   255.00000;*
* 0.00000  -1.00000   0.00000   255.00000;*
* 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;*
*sep = 4 -----------------------------------*
*COREGoptBruteForce() 30 1 30*
*Turning on MovOOB for BruteForce Search*
*#BF# sep= 4 iter=0 lim=30.0 delta=2.00   4.91408  21.81612 119.15384
2.00000   0.00000   0.00000   -1.0078773*
*Turning  MovOOB back off after brute force search*

*Init Powel Params dof = 6*
*Starting OpenPowel2(), sep = 4*
*InitialCost        -1.0076701641 *
*#@#  4  188  4.91408 21.81612 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*  nparams 6*
*  maxfev 4*
*  ftol   0.000000*
*  linmin_xtol_   0.001000*
*  powell nthiter 0: fret = -1.007670*
*#@#  4  197  4.93866 21.81612 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  198  4.96905 21.81612 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  209  4.97536 20.19808 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  210  4.97536 19.55424 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  211  4.97536 18.51247 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  212  4.97536 16.82685 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  213  4.97536 16.77889 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  214  4.97536 16.70129 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  215  4.97536 16.57572 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  216  4.97536 16.37254 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  217  4.97536 14.89926 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  218  4.97536 14.85724 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  219  4.97536 12.95773 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  220  4.97536 13.40911 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  223  4.97536 13.62039 119.15384 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  229  4.97536 13.61634 117.53580 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  230  4.97536 13.61634 80.23408 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  235  4.97536 13.61634 69.09492 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  236  4.97536 13.61634 69.00322 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  237  4.97536 13.61634 68.30045 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  239  4.97536 13.61634 68.58790 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  241  4.97536 13.61634 68.56419 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  244  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 2.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  250  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 3.00000 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  251  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 4.61803 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  255  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.29042 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  256  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02220 0.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  266  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.00000 0.00000
*#@#  4  272  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.14711 0.00000
*#@#  4  275  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.09092 0.00000
*#@#  4  287  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.03666 1.00000
*#@#  4  291  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.03666 0.61803
*#@#  4  296  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.03666 0.72161
*#@#  4  297  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.03666 0.75100
*#@#  4  305  4.97536 13.61634 68.54494 5.02421 1.03666 0.74092
*#@#  4  315  4.97542 13.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*  powell nthiter 1: fret = -1.028834*
*#@#  4  319  3.35739 13.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  320  4.02089 13.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  324  3.97462 13.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  327  4.00121 13.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  336  3.99013 14.60814 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  341  3.99013 14.70860 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  342  3.99013 14.68519 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.74166
*#@#  4  356  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 5.02724 1.03770 0.70149
*#@#  4  365  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 6.02724 1.03770 0.68860
*#@#  4  384  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 6.02724 1.06723 0.68860
*#@#  4  385  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 6.02724 1.13709 0.68860
*#@#  4  386  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 6.02724 1.24502 0.68860
*#@#  4  391  3.99013 14.67684 68.49433 6.02724 1.25019 0.68860
*#@#  4  402  3.99037 14.64484 68.29682 6.03904 1.25424 0.69150
*#@#  4  404  3.99030 14.65511 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*  powell nthiter 2: fret = -1.028901*
*#@#  4  413  3.80284 14.65511 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*#@#  4  415  3.82815 14.65511 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*#@#  4  422  3.82147 15.65511 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*#@#  4  426  3.82147 15.27315 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*#@#  4  427  3.82147 15.40752 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.69057
*#@#  4  441  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.44847
*#@#  4  443  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.30487
*#@#  4  446  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.03525 1.25294 0.32211
*#@#  4  457  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.19153 1.25294 0.32011
*#@#  4  461  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18538 1.25294 0.32011
*#@#  4  469  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18638 0.63491 0.32011
*#@#  4  470  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18638 0.25294 0.32011
*#@#  4  475  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18638 0.21850 0.32011
*#@#  4  476  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18638 0.19721 0.32011
*#@#  4  480  3.82147 15.39508 68.36022 6.18638 0.20785 0.32011
*#@#  4  494  3.82131 15.41560 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*  powell nthiter 3: fret = -1.028936*
*#@#  4  503  3.20328 15.41560 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  505  3.36275 15.41560 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  508  3.28979 15.41560 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  510  3.31021 15.41560 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  518  3.31196 15.79757 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  519  3.31196 15.62773 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 0.31825
*#@#  4  527  3.31196 15.62417 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 -0.29978
*#@#  4  529  3.31196 15.62417 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 -0.13832
*#@#  4  534  3.31196 15.62417 68.48689 6.17881 0.21339 -0.13215
*#@#  4  561  3.31196 15.62417 68.48689 6.17881 0.14601 -0.13674
*#@#  4  565  3.31196 15.62417 68.48689 6.17881 0.13447 -0.13674
*Powell done niters total = 4*
*OptTimeSec 24.2 sec*
*OptTimeMin  0.40 min*
*nEvals 580*
*Final parameters   3.31203771  15.61334038  68.42005920   6.18280220
0.13176514  -0.13576585 *
*Final cost   -1.028957125573420*

*sep = 2 -----------------------------------*

*Init Powel Params dof = 6*
*Starting OpenPowel2(), sep = 2*
*InitialCost        -1.0287065506 *
*#@#  2  582  3.31204 15.61334 68.42006 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*  nparams 6*
*  maxfev 4*
*  ftol   0.000000*
*  linmin_xtol_   0.001000*
*  powell nthiter 0: fret = -1.028707*
*#@#  2  589  3.10392 15.61334 68.42006 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  604  3.09369 14.99531 68.42006 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  606  3.09369 15.04368 68.42006 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  621  3.09369 15.04550 68.23710 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  622  3.09369 15.04550 68.21909 6.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  630  3.09369 15.04550 68.21119 7.18280 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  635  3.09369 15.04550 68.21119 7.02697 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  636  3.09369 15.04550 68.21119 7.06769 0.13177 -0.13577
*#@#  2  650  3.09369 15.04550 68.21119 7.08699 0.03346 -0.13577
*#@#  2  657  3.09369 15.04550 68.21119 7.08699 0.02114 0.86423
*  powell nthiter 1: fret = -1.028725*
*#@#  2  681  3.12473 15.04550 68.21119 7.08699 0.02114 0.95289
*#@#  2  695  3.12664 15.42746 68.21119 7.08699 0.02114 0.95289
*#@#  2  696  3.12664 15.34841 68.21119 7.08699 0.02114 0.95289
*#@#  2  720  3.12664 15.32519 68.20757 7.08297 0.02114 0.95289
*#@#  2  724  3.12664 15.32519 68.20757 7.07547 0.02114 0.95289
*#@#  2  745  3.12664 15.32519 68.20757 7.07447 0.01759 0.81959
*#@#  2  762  3.14700 15.49804 68.20535 7.06672 0.01540 0.72493
*  powell nthiter 2: fret = -1.028728*
*#@#  2  792  3.14765 15.49494 68.20538 7.06686 0.01544 0.59641
*#@#  2  803  3.14765 15.49494 68.11650 7.06686 0.01544 0.59810
*#@#  2  804  3.14765 15.49494 68.14099 7.06686 0.01544 0.59810
*#@#  2  805  3.14765 15.49494 68.15399 7.06686 0.01544 0.59810
*#@#  2  807  3.14765 15.49494 68.16380 7.06686 0.01544 0.59810
*  powell nthiter 3: fret = -1.028729*
*#@#  2  867  3.12259 15.49539 68.16066 7.07157 0.01111 0.59788
*Powell done niters total = 4*
*OptTimeSec 161.2 sec*
*OptTimeMin  2.69 min*
*nEvals 938*
*Final parameters   3.12265301  15.49595165  68.16065216   7.06536150
0.01209922   0.59759676 *
*Final cost   -1.028728664232616*

*mri_coreg utimesec    241.181825*
*mri_coreg stimesec    0.360032*
*mri_coreg ru_maxrss   504732*
*mri_coreg ru_ixrss    0*
*mri_coreg ru_idrss    0*
*mri_coreg ru_isrss    0*
*mri_coreg ru_minflt   381121*
*mri_coreg ru_majflt   0*
*mri_coreg ru_nswap    0*
*mri_coreg ru_inblock  71512*
*mri_coreg ru_oublock  16*
*mri_coreg ru_msgsnd   0*
*mri_coreg ru_msgrcv   0*
*mri_coreg ru_nsignals 0*
*mri_coreg ru_nvcsw    505*
*mri_coreg ru_nivcsw   28383*
*Final  RefRAS-to-MovRAS*
* 0.99995   0.01043   0.00021   3.12265;*
*-0.01038   0.99235   0.12300   15.49595;*
* 0.00107  -0.12300   0.99241   68.16065;*
* 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;*
*Final  RefVox-to-MovVox*
* 0.99995   0.00021  -0.01043   19.00880;*
*-0.01038   0.12300  -0.99235   243.54027;*
*-0.00107  -0.99241  -0.12300   188.07765;*
* 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;*
*Final parameters  3.1227 15.4960 68.1607  7.0654  0.0121  0.5976 *
*nhits = 1287172 out of 16777216, Percent Overlap:  61.4*
*mri_coreg RunTimeSec 241.7 sec*
*To check run:*
*   tkregisterfv --mov BS7_PET.lps.nii.gz --targ
/NAS/tupac/matthieu/FS5.3//207118_M0_2014-01-29/mri/brainmask.mgz --reg
Pet2T1.BS7.register.dof6.mri_coreg.lta --s 207118_M0_2014-01-29 --surfs *

*mri_coreg done*

Best regards,

2016-09-30 21:07 GMT+02:00 Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

> Can you send the mri_coreg terminal output?
> On 09/29/2016 11:19 AM, Matthieu Vanhoutte wrote:
> > Dear Freesurfer's experts,
> >
> > I would like to register PET image onto T1 anatomical. I used
> > bbregister with the following command and it failed :
> > /bbregister  --s SUBJID --init-fsl --t2 --mov PET.nii.gz --reg
> > Pet2T1.register.dof6.dat --lta Pet2T1.register.dof6.lta --init-reg-out
> > Pet2T1.init.register.dof6.dat --o rPET.nii.gz /
> > /
> > /
> > Having heard about mri_coreg solving some bbregister fails, I tested
> > it with the following command :
> > /mri_coreg --s SUBJID  --mov PET.nii.gz --reg
> > Pet2T1.register.dof6.mri_coreg.lta --regdat
> > Pet2T1.register.dof6.mri_coreg.dat/
> > /
> > /
> > But it failed in the same way than bbregister. Do you have any advice
> > on this problem ?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Matthieu
> >
> >
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> > Freesurfer mailing list
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> --
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
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