On 01/07/2017 06:19 AM, Ling Zhao wrote:
> *Dear experts,*
> 1.From the FreeSufer wiki we all knows all of the processing and the 
> generated files are in the Talairach (MNI305) coordinate. The 
> FreeSurfer <http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FreeSurfer>operates 
> in a conformed space, which is different from the original structural 
> image space that it has received as an input. If I want to use the 
> generated surfaces or labels as masks (which is inTalairach space) for 
> DTI probtrackx (which is need in diffusion space). How should I do?
Which wiki page says that? Actually all of the processing is done in 
native (albeit "conformed") native anatomical space. To use the labels 
in a DTI analysis, you'll need to register the DTI (low-b volume) to the 
freesurfer subject (bbregister), then use mri_label2vol to map a 
segmentation (eg, aparc+aseg.mgz) into the DTI space. See the multimodal 
> 2.In your wikiI see the information as following:
> “*Average Surface Construction*
> The average surface is constructed by computing the Talairach (MNI305) 
> coordinate at each vertex for each subject (based on the talairach.xfm 
> matrix for that subject). These coordinates are then mapped into the 
> common surface space and averaged together so that the coordinate of a 
> vertex in the common surface space is the average of the Talairach 
> coordinates from the corresponding surface locations of the 
> individuals. This results in the average surface overlaying nicely on 
> the average (MNI305) volume. ”
> Is the MNI305 in the MNI space? Can you tell me the meaning of the 
> MNI305 in “Talairach (MNI305) coordinate”?
> After the average surface overlaying nicely on the average (MNI305) 
> volume. Is the average surface in the MNI space or in the Talairach 
> space / common surface space?
It is in MNI305 space which is defined by the MNI305 average brain. This 
is similar to the MNI152 space (the "standard" MNI space) but not 
identical. We also report a "Talairach" space coordinate. This is 
computed by applying a formula to the MNI305 coordinates
> Best wishes
> Ling Zhao
> --
> Center for the Study of Applied Psychology, Key Laboratory of Mental Health 
> and Cognitive Science of Guangdong Province, School of Psychology, South 
> China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, P. R. China
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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