Hello Zeke,

I included the terminal output error for the stable version of Freesurfer,
but get the same error with the dev version. Here's an example, pasted

Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-dev-20170103-696bbc1
Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-dev-20170103-696bbc1
INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /home/jamielh/Volumes/Hanson/Pardini_Projects/K_award
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/pkg/freesurfer-dev
Linux pfc 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10 UTC 2016
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
'/usr/local/pkg/freesurfer-dev/bin/recon-all' ->
#@# MotionCor Wed Jan 11 20:49:48 EST 2017
Found 1 runs
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
WARNING: only one run found. This is OK, but motion
correction cannot be performed on one run, so I'll
copy the run to rawavg and continue.
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from
TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (0, -0.971961, -0.235142)
j_ras = (0, -0.235142, 0.971961)
k_ras = (1, -1.11022e-16, -1.66533e-16)
changing data type from float to uchar (noscale = 0)...
MRIchangeType: Building histogram
Reslicing using trilinear interpolation
writing to
 mri_add_xform_to_header -c
INFO: extension is mgz
#@# Talairach Wed Jan 11 20:50:00 EST 2017
 mri_nu_correct.mni --no-rescale --i orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz --n 1
--proto-iters 1000 --distance 50
--no-rescale --i orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz --n 1 --proto-iters 1000
--distance 50
nIters 1
$Id: mri_nu_correct.mni,v 1.27 2016/02/26 16:19:49 mreuter Exp $
Linux pfc 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10 UTC 2016
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Wed Jan 11 20:50:00 EST 2017
Program nu_correct, built from:
Package MNI N3, version 1.10, compiled by nicks@minerva
(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on 2010-02-20 at 17:32:37
tmpdir is ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158
mri_convert orig.mgz ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/nu0.mnc -odt float
mri_convert.bin orig.mgz ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/nu0.mnc -odt float
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from orig.mgz...
TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-1, 0, 0)
j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
k_ras = (0, 1, 0)
changing data type from uchar to float (noscale = 0)...
writing to ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/nu0.mnc...

Iteration 1 Wed Jan 11 20:50:03 EST 2017
nu_correct -clobber ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/nu0.mnc
./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/nu1.mnc -tmpdir
./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.130158/0/ -iterations 1000 -distance 50

Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at
/usr/local/pkg/freesurfer//mni/bin/nu_estimate_np_and_em line 165.

nu_correct: crashed while running nu_estimate_np_and_em (termination
ERROR: nu_correct
Linux pfc 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10 UTC 2016
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
recon-all -s 10107 exited with ERRORS at Wed Jan 11 20:50:03 EST 2017
For more details, see the log file
To report a problem, see


The MNI tools are from 2010, but as noted at the start, the Freesurfer
version is "Subject Stamp:
freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-dev-20170103-696bbc1" (which I believe
is the most recent dev version). Other thoughts or things to work on?
Thanks much!


On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Z K <zkauf...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Hello Jamie,
> Are you absolutely sure your using the dev version of freeseurfer? It
> looks like from the output you pasted below their is possibly some mixing
> of the old and new versions (it says MNI was built in 2010 - should be much
> more recent than that). Try starting with a fresh terminal window and
> sourcing freesurfer and see what happens. If the problem persists I will
> look deeper into the issue upon my return.
> > On Jan 11, 2017, at 10:15 PM, Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm suspecting that there is an error or incompatibility in the MNI
> > software (where we get nu_correct). Unforutnately, the person who would
> > handle this (Zeke) is away until next Wed. Can it wait until then?
> >
> >
> >
> >> On 01/11/2017 04:58 PM, Jamie Hanson wrote:
> >>
> >>    Is it happening on all subjects or just some of them?
> >>
> >>
> >> all of them...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>    On 01/11/2017 03:45 PM, Jamie Hanson wrote:
> >>
> >>        Apologies my email must have clipped it out.
> >>        I pasted it below.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>        =======
> >>
> >>        Hello Freesurfer List,
> >>
> >>        I was running into issues processing subjects, with errors
> >>        just getting through the autorecon1 step of the pipeline. My
> >>        terminal outputs the following:
> >>
> >>        ====
> >>
> >>        /home/jamielh/Volumes/Hanson/Pardini_Projects/K_award/10007/mri
> >>        /usr/local/pkg/freesurfer-dev//bin/mri_nu_correct.mni
> >>        --no-rescale --i orig.mgz --o orig_nu.mgz --n 1 --proto-iters
> >>        1000 --distance 50
> >>        nIters 1
> >>        $Id: mri_nu_correct.mni,v 1.27 2016/02/26 16:19:49 mreuter Exp $
> >>        Linux pfc 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10
> >>        UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >>        Tue Jan 10 12:53:44 EST 2017
> >>        Program nu_correct, built from:
> >>        Package MNI N3, version 1.10, compiled by nicks@minerva
> >>        (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on 2010-02-20 at 17:32:37
> >>        /usr/bin/bc
> >>        tmpdir is ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237
> >>        /home/jamielh/Volumes/Hanson/Pardini_Projects/K_award/10007/mri
> >>        mri_convert orig.mgz ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/nu0.mnc
> >>        -odt float
> >>        mri_convert.bin orig.mgz
> >>        ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/nu0.mnc -odt float
> >>        $Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
> >>        reading from orig.mgz...
> >>        TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
> >>        i_ras = (-1, -1.32349e-23, -1.32349e-23)
> >>        j_ras = (0, 1.49012e-08, -1)
> >>        k_ras = (0, 1, 1.49012e-08)
> >>        changing data type from uchar to float (noscale = 0)...
> >>        writing to ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/nu0.mnc...
> >>
> >>        --------------------------------------------------------
> >>        Iteration 1 Tue Jan 10 12:53:47 EST 2017
> >>        nu_correct -clobber ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/nu0.mnc
> >>        ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/nu1.mnc -tmpdir
> >>        ./tmp.mri_nu_correct.mni.129237/0/ -iterations 1000 -distance 50
> >>        Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the
> >>        defined()?) at
> >>        /usr/local/pkg/freesurfer//mni/bin/nu_estimate_np_and_em line
> 165.
> >>        nu_correct: crashed while running nu_estimate_np_and_em
> >>        (termination status=65280)
> >>        ERROR: nu_correct
> >>        Linux pfc 4.4.0-53-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Fri Dec 2 15:59:10
> >>        UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> >>
> >>        recon-all -s 10007 exited with ERRORS at Tue Jan 10 12:53:47
> >>        EST 2017
> >>
> >>        For more details, see the log file
> >>        /home/jamielh/Volumes/Hanson/Pardini_Projects/K_award/
> 10007/scripts/recon-all.log
> >>        To report a problem, see
> >>        http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> >>        <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting>
> >>        <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> >>        <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting>>
> >>
> >>        ====
> >>
> >>        Searching the FS list, I saw that I originally thought this
> >>        was an incompatibility with the current stable Freesurfer
> >>        version and the most recent MNI tools. To troubleshoot that
> >>        issue, I installed the dev version of Freesurfer (as noted by
> >>        this thread:
> >>        https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail///freesurfer/
> 2016-September/047734.html
> >>        <https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail///freesurfer/
> 2016-September/047734.html>
> >>        <https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail///freesurfer/
> 2016-September/047734.html
> >>        <https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail///freesurfer/
> 2016-September/047734.html>>).
> >>        The error however still persists (even using the dev version).
> >>        Anyone else run into this issue or have thoughts about
> >>        troubleshooting it? Thanks much!
> >>
> >>        Best,
> >>        Jamie.
> >>
> >>        --
> >>        Jamie Hanson
> >>        Assistant Professor, Psychology
> >>        Research Scientist, Learning Research and Development Center
> >>        University of Pittsburgh
> >>        Personal website: jamiehanson.org <http://jamiehanson.org>
> >>        <http://jamiehanson.org/>
> >>
> >>
> >>        On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Douglas N Greve
> >>        <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> >>        <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> >>        <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>> wrote:
> >>
> >>            please include previous correspondence. we get a lot of
> emails
> >>            here and can't remember the context of each one.
> >>
> >>            thanks
> >>
> >>
> >>            On 01/11/2017 03:17 PM, Jamie Hanson wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>                I'm seeing it for multiple subjects, same issue. I
> >>        can't get
> >>                passed the autorecon1 steps. Any thoughts?
> >>
> >>
> >>            --     Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> >>            MGH-NMR Center
> >>        gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> >>        <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> >>        <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>>
> >>            Phone Number: 617-724-2358 <tel:617-724-2358>
> >>        <tel:617-724-2358 <tel:617-724-2358>>
> >>            Fax: 617-726-7422 <tel:617-726-7422> <tel:617-726-7422
> >>        <tel:617-726-7422>>
> >>
> >>            Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> >>        <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting>
> >>            <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> >>        <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting>>
> >>            FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
> >>        <https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2>
> >>            <https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
> >>        <https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2>>
> >>        www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
> >>        <http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html>
> >>
> >>        <http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
> >>        <http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html>>
> >>            Outgoing:
> >>        ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
> >>        <ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/>
> >>
> >>        <ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
> >>        <ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>            The information in this e-mail is intended only for the
> >>        person to
> >>            whom it is
> >>            addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in
> >>        error and
> >>            the e-mail
> >>            contains patient information, please contact the Partners
> >>            Compliance HelpLine at
> >>        http://www.partners.org/complianceline
> >>        <http://www.partners.org/complianceline>
> >>            <http://www.partners.org/complianceline
> >>        <http://www.partners.org/complianceline>> . If the e-mail was
> sent
> >>            to you in error
> >>            but does not contain patient information, please contact the
> >>            sender and properly
> >>            dispose of the e-mail.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>    --
> >>    Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> >>    MGH-NMR Center
> >>    gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> >>    Phone Number: 617-724-2358 <tel:617-724-2358>
> >>    Fax: 617-726-7422 <tel:617-726-7422>
> >>
> >>    Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> >>    <http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting>
> >>    FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
> >>    <https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2>
> >>    www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
> >>    <http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html>
> >>    Outgoing:
> >>    ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
> >>    <ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> > MGH-NMR Center
> > gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> > Fax: 617-726-7422
> >
> > Bugs: surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting
> > FileDrop: https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2
> > www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html
> > Outgoing: ftp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/transfer/outgoing/flat/greve/
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Freesurfer mailing list
> > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> >
> >
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance HelpLine at
http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you in error
but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender and properly
dispose of the e-mail.

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