Thanks Anastasia! You seemed to have caught the issue. the dtifit files
were mistakenly generated from the anisotropic preprocessed image. I will
ensure the same voxel dimensions among all inputs and re-run. Will let you
know if that doesn't fix it!

All the best,

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:31 AM, Yendiki, Anastasia <> wrote:

> Hi Derek - There's an inconsistency among the output volumes that are
> supposed to be in diffusion space; some have 2mm iso resolution and some
> have .9x.9x3mm. From the logs it looks like you reran some of the
> pre-processing steps separately. If you ran some before resampling and some
> after, this may be causing the mix-up. I would just start from scratch in a
> new subject directory and see if that fixes it.
> Best,
> a.y
> ------------------------------
> *From:* [
>] on behalf of Derek A Pisner [
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 15, 2017 3:01 PM
> *To:* Freesurfer support list
> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA in FreeSurfer 6.0 trac-paths error
> Uploaded:
> Also, I've included a dwi_TRfixed.nii.gz file with the TR in the header
> fixed. Curious to see if that one works!
> mri_convert --in_type nii --out_type nii --out_orientation RAS dwi.nii.gz
> -tr 1000 dwi_TRfixed.nii.gz
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 1:44 PM, Yendiki, Anastasia <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Derek - It looks like it fails, but I suspect that it may be something
>> unrelated to the warning. Can you please upload a zip file with this
>> subject's TRACULA directories (dmri, dmri.bedpostX, dlabel, dpath, scripts)
>> for me here:
>> Thanks!
>> a.y
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* [
>>] on behalf of Derek A Pisner [
>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 15, 2017 2:36 PM
>> *To:* Freesurfer support list
>> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA in FreeSurfer 6.0 trac-paths error
>> Hi Anastasia,
>> See attached log. Hard to tell, but it does seem that trac-all fails
>> after this warning.
>> Thanks for taking a look!
>> Derek Pisner
>> Doctoral Student
>> CLA 4.600
>> Mood Disorders Laboratory (MDL)
>> Department of Psychology | The University of Texas at Austin
>> On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 1:27 PM, Yendiki, Anastasia <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Derek - It sounds like the programs that you used to convert from
>>> dicom to nifti and to resample from anisotropic nifti to isotropic nifti
>>> don't copy the TE and TR info in the header correctly. This information is
>>> not needed to run -paths, however. Does trac-all stop running after this
>>> warning, or does it keep going? Can you attach your entire trac-all.log
>>> file? Thanks!
>>> a.y
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* [
>>>] on behalf of Derek A Pisner [
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, January 15, 2017 11:47 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA in FreeSurfer 6.0 trac-paths error
>>> Hi Anastasia,
>>> Thanks for the quick response!
>>> The TE and the TR are both listed as 0.00 with mri_info. Of note, these
>>> dwi images have been resampled from anisotropic to isotropic voxels using
>>> an in-house python script. I noticed that this error comes up only for the
>>> resampled, but not the original image. I am guessing this is the underlying
>>> source of the problem and has less to do with trac-all.  What does trac-all
>>> need from the header to successfully run -paths? How can the header be
>>> corrected in freesurfer so that it will run successfully? Strangely, the TE
>>> also comes up as being equal to 0 in the original, anisotropic, image...
>>> The TR is what appears to be different and perhaps that is the source of
>>> the niiRead() warning? See below.
>>> Many Thanks,
>>> Derek
>>> *vlogin03.ls5(69)$ *mri_info dwi.nii.gz
>>> niiRead(): NIFTI_UNITS_UNKNOWN, assuming mm
>>> WARNING: niiRead(): unknown time units 0 in
>>> /work/04171/dpisner/data/ABM/TRACULA/tractography_output/s00
>>> 2/dmri/dwi.nii.gz
>>> Volume information for dwi.nii.gz
>>>           type: nii
>>>     dimensions: 115 x 115 x 56 x 55
>>>    voxel sizes: 2.000000, 2.000000, 2.000000
>>>           type: FLOAT (3)
>>>            fov: 230.000
>>>            dof: 0
>>>         xstart: -115.0, xend: 115.0
>>>         ystart: -115.0, yend: 115.0
>>>         zstart: -56.0, zend: 56.0
>>>           *  TR: 0.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec,* TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle:
>>> 0.00 degrees
>>>        nframes: 55
>>>        PhEncDir: UNKNOWN
>>>        FieldStrength: 0.000000
>>> ras xform present
>>>     xform info: x_r =  -1.0000, y_r =   0.0000, z_r =   0.0000, c_r =
>>> -0.4490
>>>               : x_a =   0.0000, y_a =   1.0000, z_a =   0.0000, c_a =
>>> 40.5440
>>>               : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =   0.0000, z_s =   1.0000, c_s =
>>> 55.0398
>>> Orientation   : LAS
>>> Primary Slice Direction: axial
>>> voxel to ras transform:
>>>                -2.0000   0.0000   0.0000   114.5510
>>>                 0.0000   2.0000   0.0000   -74.4560
>>>                 0.0000   0.0000   2.0000    -0.9602
>>>                 0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>>> voxel-to-ras determinant -8
>>> ras to voxel transform:
>>>                -0.5000  -0.0000  -0.0000    57.2755
>>>                -0.0000   0.5000  -0.0000    37.2280
>>>                -0.0000  -0.0000   0.5000     0.4801
>>>                -0.0000  -0.0000  -0.0000     1.0000
>>> *vlogin03.ls5(84)$ *mri_info aniso_eddy_corrected_data_denoised.nii.gz
>>> Volume information for eddy_corrected_data_denoised.nii.gz
>>>           type: nii
>>>     dimensions: 256 x 256 x 37 x 55
>>>    voxel sizes: 0.898400, 0.898400, 3.000002
>>>           type: FLOAT (3)
>>>            fov: 229.990
>>>            dof: 0
>>>         xstart: -115.0, xend: 115.0
>>>         ystart: -115.0, yend: 115.0
>>>         zstart: -55.5, zend: 55.5
>>>           *  TR: 1000.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec,* TI: 0.00 msec, flip
>>> angle: 0.00 degrees
>>> Yendiki, Anastasia
>>> <>
>>>  Fri, 13 Jan 2017 07:12:39 -0800
>>> <>
>>> Hi Derek - Thanks for testing the 6.0 release candidate. Does it keep 
>>> running
>>> after this message? Since this is a warning and not an error, it may not be
>>> critical. If you run mri_info on your dwi.nii.gz, does the TE show up as 
>>> zero?
>>> Best,
>>> a.y
>>> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 9:06 PM, Derek A Pisner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Anastasia,
>>>> I am getting the following error when running trac-all –paths on all of
>>>> my diffusion images using the newly updated TRACULA:
>>>> *vlogin03.ls5(97)$* /work/04171/dpisner/stampede/A
>>>> pplications/freesurfer/bin/trac-all -no-isrunning -path -c
>>>> /work/04171/dpisner/data/ABM/TRACULA/tractography_output/s00
>>>> 2/trac_config.txt
>>>> niiRead(): NIFTI_UNITS_UNKNOWN, assuming mm
>>>> WARNING: niiRead(): unknown time units 0 in
>>>> /work/04171/dpisner/data/ABM/TRACULA/tractography_output/s00
>>>> 2/dmri/dwi.nii.gz
>>>> Any idea what’s going on here?
>>>> Thanks as always,
>>>> Derek Pisner
>>>> Doctoral Student
>>>> CLA 4.600
>>>> Mood Disorders Laboratory (MDL)
>>>> Department of Psychology | The University of Texas at Austin
>>>> P.S. Here is the header information on my dwi.nii.gz file:
>>>> *vlogin03.ls5(105)$* fslhd dwi.nii.gz
>>>> filename       dwi.nii.gz
>>>> sizeof_hdr     348
>>>> data_type      FLOAT32
>>>> dim0           4
>>>> dim1           115
>>>> dim2           115
>>>> dim3           56
>>>> dim4           55
>>>> dim5           1
>>>> dim6           1
>>>> dim7           1
>>>> vox_units      Unknown
>>>> time_units     Unknown
>>>> datatype       16
>>>> nbyper         4
>>>> bitpix         32
>>>> pixdim0        0.000000
>>>> pixdim1        2.000000
>>>> pixdim2        2.000000
>>>> pixdim3        2.000000
>>>> pixdim4        1.000000
>>>> pixdim5        1.000000
>>>> pixdim6        1.000000
>>>> pixdim7        1.000000
>>>> vox_offset     352
>>>> cal_max        0.0000
>>>> cal_min        0.0000
>>>> scl_slope      1.000000
>>>> scl_inter      0.000000
>>>> phase_dim      0
>>>> freq_dim       0
>>>> slice_dim      0
>>>> slice_name     Unknown
>>>> slice_code     0
>>>> slice_start    0
>>>> slice_end      0
>>>> slice_duration 0.000000
>>>> time_offset    0.000000
>>>> intent         Unknown
>>>> intent_code    0
>>>> intent_name
>>>> intent_p1      0.000000
>>>> intent_p2      0.000000
>>>> intent_p3      0.000000
>>>> qform_name     Unknown
>>>> qform_code     0
>>>> qto_xyz:1      2.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
>>>> qto_xyz:2      0.000000  2.000000  0.000000  0.000000
>>>> qto_xyz:3      0.000000  0.000000  2.000000  0.000000
>>>> qto_xyz:4      0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000
>>>> qform_xorient  Left-to-Right
>>>> qform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
>>>> qform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
>>>> sform_name     Aligned Anat
>>>> sform_code     2
>>>> sto_xyz:1      -2.000000  0.000000  0.000000  114.551003
>>>> sto_xyz:2      0.000000  2.000000  0.000000  -74.456001
>>>> sto_xyz:3      0.000000  0.000000  2.000000  -0.960182
>>>> sto_xyz:4      0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  1.000000
>>>> sform_xorient  Right-to-Left
>>>> sform_yorient  Posterior-to-Anterior
>>>> sform_zorient  Inferior-to-Superior
>>>> file_type      NIFTI-1+
>>>> file_code      1
>>>> descrip
>>>> aux_file
>>>> --
>>>> Derek Pisner
>>> --
>>> Derek Pisner
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>> --
>> Derek Pisner
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> --
> Derek Pisner
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
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Derek Pisner
Freesurfer mailing list

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