Hello Freesurfer experts, >From your wiki page, I understand how to normalize volumes in subject >diffusion space to the CVS template:
mri_vol2vol --targ $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/cvs_avg35/mri/norm.mgz \ --m3z $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/cvs/combined_tocvs_avg35_elreg_afteraseg-norm.m3z \ --noDefM3zPath --reg $TUTORIAL_DIR/$subj/dtrecon/register.dat \ --mov fa-masked.mgz \ --o fa-masked.ANAT+CVS-to-avg35.mgz \ --interp trilin --no-save-reg However, how would one take take a volume in CVS template space and reverse normalize it back to subject diffusion space? Is this possible? If so, what would that command look like and what other steps would be necessary to get the required inputs? Thanks, Doug Douglas Merkitch Neurological Sciences Rush University Medical Center Email: douglas_merki...@rush.edu<mailto:douglas_merki...@rush.edu>
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