sure, use save_mgh to write them to a .mgz or .mgh file


On Mon, 6 Feb 2017, Björn Herrmann wrote:

Dear list,

I would like to use freeview to display my activations patterns. I
source-localized MEG data in matlab using the freesurfer standard
brain as a source space. I saved the source localization as a w-file,
that is, as an overlay.

I used to display the overlay in tksurfer, but I cannot adjust the
colorbar thresholds using my keyboard in tksurfer (probably due to new
linux and freesurfer versions). I read in an older post about that
problem and it was suggested that freeview might be a better option.
Unfortunately, I cannot load my w-files in freeview (similar problems
as in the post below).

Since I only work in matlab up to the point when I would like to save
my data for plotting with freesurfer (e.g., freeview), I do not know
how else (if not as a w-file) I could save my activations to display
them as an overlay. I do not have volume data, I only have a vector of
activation values corresponding to the vertices.

Is there a different way to save my data in matlab so that I can
display them as an overlay onto a surface in freeview?
I would be thankful for any input.


Older post below:

Re: [Freesurfer] Loading .w surface overlay in Freeview
can you use vol2surf to generate a .mgz/.mgh file instead? We have
deprecated the use of .w files

On Thu, 13 Aug
2015, Ivan Alvarez wrote:

Dear all,

I am wondering if there is a facility for loading .w overlay files in
Freeview? In the surface section of the GUI, the overlay tab is for
volumetric files (.mgz, .nii, etc.). In the command line, the overlay
option fails - for example:

freeview -f /path/to/lh.inflated:overlay=/path/to/overlay.w

returns this error message in the GUI:

"Failed to load surface overlay. mri_read()"

and this one in the command line:

: couldn't determine type of file /path/to/overlay.w"

The .w file in question was produced with mri_vol2surf. Any suggestions?

Björn Herrmann

Brain and Mind Institute
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario N6A 5B7


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