Dear experts,

concerning my question regarding thresholding method of entorhinal and 
perirhinal labels, I looked at

Augustinack JC et al, Predicting the location of human perirhinal  cortex, 
Brodmann's area 35, from MRI, Neuroimage 2013 Jan 1;64:32-42.

where I found the text:

For each label, the vertices were ordered from most probable least probable), 
then thresholded so that the surface area of each predicted entorhinal cortex 
or perirhinal cortex label matched the average surface area of the ex vivo 

So, if I understand it correctly, at least for the entorhinal and perirhinal 
*thresh labels, the threshold has been found individually for each label and 
hemisphere separately, so that the area of the label in the fsaverage space 
match average surface area of the corresponding ex-vivo labels? 
Therefore, no restriction for overlap of perirhinal and entorhinal labels was 
applied in the thresholding? I found that in the right hemisphere the 
rh.entorhinal_thresh.label almost completely overlaps with 

But, for generating custom aparc+aseg I need non-overlapping labels. I 
attempted to resolve the issue by using 

mris_label2annot --s fsaverage --l fsaverage/label/lh.entorhinal_exvivo.label 
--l fsaverage/label/lh.perirhinal_exvivo.label --hemi lh --ctab 
entorhinal_perirhinal.annot.ctab --maxstatwinner --thresh 0.4 --a 

i.e. using --maxstatswinner and --thresh 0.4 which gives non-overlapping labels 
with shapes approximately similar to the original 
entorhinal_exvivo.thresh.label and perirhinal_exvivo.thresh.label, but it 
probably violates the condition of similar area extent.

Could you please comment on if my used method is acceptable, or suggest better 
method how to achieve non-overlaping entorhinal and perirhinal labels for the 
purpose of generating custom aparc+aseg from them?


Antonin Skoch

Dear experts,

Could you please provide me the information how exactly the 
*_exvivo.thresh.labels have been thresholded?According to this post,
.thresh labels are thresholded to pick the most likely vertices that give a 
label that is 
the right surface area.But how they are thresholded in the boundary of the 
region where the unthresholded labels do not overlap? There must be additional 
threshold applied:
For example for BA45 there is no further BA label towards frontal pole, but the 
BA45_exvivo.thresh.label is also restricted in this region wrt 

I have further question concerning used thresholding method of 
perirhinal_exvivo.thresh and entorhinal_exvivo.thresh labels. It seems that 
this method is not applied here since looking at them at the fsaverage surface, 
they are overlapping. And also *rhinal_exvivo.labels are much more extending to 
the adjacent regions than *rhinal_exvivo.thresh.labels. What method is applied 

My main objective to obtain annotation with the vertices properly assigned to 
perirhinal_exvivo and entorhinal_exvivo to supply this annotation to 
mri_aparc2aseg to assign ribbon voxels to that parcellation. I think I could 
use mris_label2annot --maxstatswinner with unthresholded entorhinal and 
perirhinal labels to assign vertices to most probable label, but I would need 
to further threshold the labels by correct value to obtain results similar in 
extent to thresh.labels.

For perirhinal, it seems that the additional threshold is 0.4 (what is 
rationale for this value?), for entorhinal it seems also around 0.4 but could 
not find any particular threshold to obtain the exact shape of label 
corresponding to entorhinal_exvivo.thresh.

Thank you in advance for clarification.


Antonin Skoch

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