I was using the mris_label2annot to create .annot file before but now couldn't 
figure out why the .annot file is not being created. The mris_label2annot is 
giving the below output but not creating the label files. My label file names 
are as node-lh-xx.label and  the content of ctab file as below:

0   node-lh-0                               25  5   25  0
1   node-lh-1                               70  0   180 0
2   node-lh-2                      245 245 245 0
3   node-lh-3                               205 62  78  0
4   node-lh-4                               120 18  134 0
5   node-lh-5                               196 58  250 0
6   node-lh-6                               0   148 0   0
7   node-lh-7                               220 248 164 0
8   node-lh-8                               230 148 34  0
9   node-lh-9                               0   118 14  0
10  node-lh-10                              70  118 14  0
11  node-lh-11                              122 186 220 0
12  node-lh-12                              236 13  176 0
13  node-lh-13                              12  48  255 0
14  node-lh-14                              204 182 142 0


mris_label2annot --s 100307 --h lh --no-unknown  --ctab 
label/eq_parcellation_label/MyColorLUTleft01.txt --a eq40left --ldir 
Reading ctab label/eq_parcellation_label/MyColorLUTleft01.txt
Number of ctab entries 41
INFO: no labels specified, generating from ctab

$Id: mris_label2annot.c,v 1.20 2016/01/07 23:28:11 greve Exp $
cwd /home/koushik/Parcellation/100307
cmdline mris_label2annot --s 100307 --h lh --no-unknown --ctab 
label/eq_parcellation_label/MyColorLUTleft01.txt --a eq40left --ldir 
sysname  Linux
hostname koushik-DQ77MK
machine  x86_64
user     koushik

subject 100307
hemi    lh
SUBJECTS_DIR /home/koushik/Parcellation
ColorTable label/eq_parcellation_label/MyColorLUTleft01.txt
AnnotName  eq40left
nlables 0
LabelThresh 0 0.000000
Loading /home/koushik/Parcellation/100307/surf/lh.orig
Writing annot to /home/koushik/Parcellation/100307/label/lh.eq40left.annot


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