By default, you are using aparc+aseg.mgz as the ROI atlas, so use 1021 
or 2021 for V1.

1021    ctx-lh-pericalcarine                120 100 60  0

On 07/26/2017 12:37 PM, Jessica Huang wrote:
> Hi freesurfer experts,
> I’m using the fcseed-config and fcseed-sess commands to create a seed 
> at V1 in accordance with the FsFastFunctionalConnectivity Walkthrough 
> <>Steps:
> *STEP 4: Use fcseed-config to configure the parameters you wish to 
> pass to your connectivity analysis.Sample command: fcseed-config 
> -segid 1010 -fcname L_Posteriorcingulate.dat -fsd bold -mean -cfg 
> mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.config*STEP 5: Create the FC seed for an 
> individualfcseed-sess  -s sessionid -cfg L_Posteriorcingulate.config
> V1 corresponds to the number 400 in 
> $FREESRUFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt. The subject session I’m 
> running is B101. The data is rest data but I named the file bold. 
> Overall, with this information specific to my data, I ran the 
> following commands:
> $ fcseed-config -segid 400 -fcname V1.dat -fsd bold -mean -cfg 
> mean.V1.config
> fcname is V1.dat
> fcseed-config done
> $ fcseed-sess  -s B101 -cfg mean.V1.config
> Logfile is 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/log/fcseed-sess.V1.dat.log.B101
> Wed Jul 26 12:27:17 EDT 2017
> Darwin Caramazza-Labs-Mac-Pro.local 16.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 
> 16.6.0: Fri Apr 14 16:21:16 PDT 2017; 
> root:xnu-3789.60.24~6/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/Subjects
> cd /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir
> /Applications/freesurfer/fsfast/bin/fcseed-sess
> -s B101 -cfg mean.V1.config
> freesurfer-Darwin-OSX-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c
> Wed Jul 26 12:27:17 EDT 2017
> Darwin Caramazza-Labs-Mac-Pro.local 16.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 
> 16.6.0: Fri Apr 14 16:21:16 PDT 2017; 
> root:xnu-3789.60.24~6/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/Subjects
> cd /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir
> /Applications/freesurfer/fsfast/bin/fcseed-sess
> -s B101 -cfg mean.V1.config
> freesurfer-Darwin-OSX-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c
> mri_label2vol --seg 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/Subjects/B201_mprage/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz 
> --reg 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/register.dof6.lta
> --temp 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/template.nii.gz
> --fillthresh .5 --o 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/seg.nii.gz
> --pvf 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/pvf.nii.gz
> PVF 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/pvf.nii.gz
> Number of labels: 0
> Annot File:      (null)
> Template Volume: 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/template.nii.gz
> Outut Volume: 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/seg.nii.gz
> Registration File: 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/register.dof6.lta
> Fill Threshold: 0.5
> Label Vox Vol:  1
> ProjType:       (null)
> ProjTypeId:     0
> ProjStart:      0
> ProjStop:       0
> ProjDelta:      0.1
> Subject:  (null)
> Hemi:     (null)
> UseNewASeg2Vol:  0
> DoLabelStatVol  0
> LabelCodeOffset  0
> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/Subjects
> $Id: mri_label2vol.c,v 1.46 2014/12/08 21:11:54 greve Exp $
> Template RAS-to-Vox: --------
> -0.50000  -0.00000  -0.00000   56.00000;
> -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.50000   56.00000;
> -0.00000   0.45455  -0.00000   32.00000;
> -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   1.00000;
> Template Voxel Volume: 8.8
> nHits Thresh: 4.4
> Loading registration from 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/register.dof6.lta
> regio_read_register: loading lta
> RegMat: --------
> 0.99785   0.02664   0.05987   0.19449;
> -0.06077   0.03415   0.99757  -39.76084;
> -0.02453   0.99906  -0.03570   2.27075;
> 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
> Label RAS-to-Vox: --------
> -0.49893  -0.01332  -0.02994   55.90276;
> 0.01227  -0.49953   0.01785   54.86462;
> -0.02762   0.01552   0.45344   13.92689;
> 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
> PVF 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/pvf.nii.gz
> Computing PVF 8.8
> mri_label2vol done
> mri_binarize --i 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/seg.nii.gz
> --o 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> --match 400
> $Id: mri_binarize.c,v 1.43 2016/06/09 20:46:21 greve Exp $
> cwd /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir
> cmdline mri_binarize.bin --i 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/seg.nii.gz
> --o 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> --match 400
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname Caramazza-Labs-Mac-Pro.local
> machine  x86_64
> user     caramazzalab
> input 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/seg.nii.gz
> frame      0
> nErode3d   0
> nErode2d   0
> output 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> Binarizing based on matching values
> nMatch 1
> 0   400
> binval        1
> binvalnot     0
> fstart = 0, fend = 0, nframes = 1
> Found 0 values in range
> Counting number of voxels in first frame
> Found 0 voxels in final mask
> Count: 0 0.000000 802816 0.000000
> mri_binarize done
> mri_segstats --i 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/fmcpr.nii.gz
> --seg 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> --id 1 --sum 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/junk.sum
> --avgwfvol 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/avgwf.mgh
> $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.121 2016/05/31 17:27:11 greve Exp $
> cwd
> cmdline mri_segstats --i 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/fmcpr.nii.gz
> --seg 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> --id 1 --sum 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/junk.sum
> --avgwfvol 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/avgwf.mgh
> sysname  Darwin
> hostname Caramazza-Labs-Mac-Pro.local
> machine  x86_64
> user     caramazzalab
> UseRobust  0
> Loading 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/tmp.fcseed-sess.47801/mask.nii.gz
> Loading 
> /Users/caramazzalab/Desktop/Jess/V1_REST_STUDY/dicomdir/B101/bold/001/fmcpr.nii.gz
> Voxel Volume is 8.8 mm^3
> Generating list of segmentation ids
> Found   1 segmentations
> Computing statistics for each segmentation
> Reporting on   0 segmentations
> Using PrintSegStat
> Computing spatial average of each frame
> ERROR: no voxels found in segmentation
> I attached the error log below - any idea what happened? Is there 
> something I can change in these commands to yield the timecourse of 
> V1? These are all subjects 18+ years of age.
> What do you think?
> Thank you in advance, any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jess
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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