
I am trying to do a GLM analysis for a study in which I scanned each
participant twice. Currently, to combine the two scanning sessions I am
combining the runs from the two sessions into a single session directory
and applying per-session motion correction, essentially treating all the
data as though it came from a single session. The issue is that when I do
this, the GLM analysis takes prohibitively long (with just 8 subjects, the
analysis has already been running for two weeks). To speed things up, I had
the idea of doing the runwise GLM (getting the betas and contrast values
for each run), then combining the runwise results to get t-values and
p-values for the whole session. However, I am not entirely sure how to do
this last bit; is there some kind of function that can be used to take all
the per-run t-values or effect sizes in a session and combine them to get
an aggregate t-value and p-value for the whole session, for a given
contrast? I believe FSL follows this analysis strategy (doing runwise
analyses then combining them into the whole session), so I was wondering
whether FSFAST had a way of doing the same.

Thank you very much,

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