Hi David, please post to the list ... answers below

On 11/13/2017 01:48 PM, David Beeler wrote:
> Hi Doug, really helpful thanks!
> So if I want all the motion corrected functional data across runs to be 
> aligned with a downsampled version of my anatomical, is it better to run 
> preproc-sess with -per-session or should I do -per-run and then map each 
> functional to anatomical without resampling using:
> mri_vol2vol --reg register.dof6.lta --mov fmcpr.nii.gz --fstarg \ --o 
> fmcpr.new.vox2ras.nii.gz --no-resample
> and then run selxavg3-sess on the fmcpr.new.vox2ras.nii.gz in each run 
> folder? I've heard motion correction with -per-run is better but I 
> don't understand why... can you explain?
Oh, if you want to do it that way, then you would not use the 
--no-resample (that just changes the geometry in the header). per-run 
registers and resamples to the middle time point, meaning that there is 
generally less interpolation. You should add --fstarg orig.mgz This will 
have it sample into the 1mm orig space. This will create a very 
largefile. If you want to downsample the anat, you can run mri_convert 
--downsample 2 2 2 orig.mgz orig.ds2.mgz and then --fstarg orig.ds2.mgz
> Further, I don't get how selxavg3-sess chooses its input. If I first 
> do preproc-sess with -per-run, do my transformation to downsampled 
> anatomical space (as described above), and then run selxavg3-sess with 
> the -no-preproc flag, what volume will selxavg3-sess use by default? I 
> assume it will search the run folders for fmcpr.nii.gz (because using 
> f.nii.gz would defeat the purpose of doing motion correction in the 
> first place), but is there a flag I could use to tell selxavg3-sess to 
> use my transformed fmcpr.new.vox2ras.nii.gz as input instead? Should I 
> just rename fmcpr.new.vox2ras.nii.gz to fmcpr.nii.gz and then 
> selxavg3-sess will take it automatically?
When you create your analysis, you should put -funcstem fmcpr.new.vox2ras
> Thanks again!
> David
> PS is this the correct way to respond to threads on this mailing list 
> so that the thread is maintained?
> On 11/8/17 5:57 PM, David Beeler wrote:
>     Hi freesurfer people,
>     I'm trying to understand preprocessing a little better, especially
>     registration of functional data to anatomical space. I am
>     currently running everything in the volume, doing motion
>     correction per-run and then pooling all the runs in the session
>     together for the first level analysis.As far as I can tell,
>     running preproc-sess with -per-run takes the rawfunctional data
>     (f.nii.gz), pulls out the middle timepoint and calls it
>     template.nii.gz, bbregisters func to anat and creates a
>     register.dof6.lta file in each of the functional run folders,
>     transforms the aparc+aseg from the subject's mri folder and
>     binarizes it into a brainmask (brain.nii.gz), and runs mc-afni
>     using f.nii.gz as the input vol and template.nii.gz as the
>     template vol to create the motion corrected volume (fmcpr.nii.gz).
>     Is this correct?
> yes
>     Then when I run selxavg3-sess it somehow mri_converts an
>     intermediary motion corrected volume from the mc-afni command
>     above (eg <run#>/tmp.mc-afni2.20097/outvol.nii.gz) into an
>     fmc.nii.gz file in each run folder. Are these fmc.nii.gz's
>     supposed to be coregistered between runs? (i.e. if the subject
>     moved a bunch between two of the runs, would those two volumes be
>     aligned at all?). How do these files work?
> Not with -per-run. per-run was designed with the idea that you would 
> beresampling to some common space (eg, surface or mni305 or cvs), and 
> then running sexlavg3-sess on that data. If you want all the 
> fmc.nii.gz to be in the same space, then use -per-session.
>     At the end I have an analysis directory with my betas, sigmaps,
>     etc. What functional volume is everything registered to? Is the
>     transform between this functional volume and anatomical space the
>     register.dof6.lta file located in the session directory?
>     Thanks for bearing with me!
>     -David
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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