Dear Freesurfer experts,

I have a question related to make_average_subject command and Freesurfer 

When I used to create my average subject with Freesurfer 5.3, I got 
lh.cortex.label and rh.cortex.label files inside label folder with 149955 
vertexs. Moreover, lh.Medial_Wall.label and rh.Medial_Wall.label had 13887 

However, with new Freesurfer 6, I get 163841 vertexs for cortex and only one 
vertex for medial wall. That's why I have problems with mri_glmfit when I use 
rh or lh.cortex.label files as label mask. I am considering all vertexs, and I 
would like to use only real cortex vertexs.

Are label files outputs from make_average_subject wrong? How can I fit this 

Thanks in advance,

M del Mar
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