Hi All,

I tried to run a subject through FreeSurfer 6.0 for hippocampal Subfield 
segmentation but exited with errors.

The content of the recon-all.error file is below.

DATE Sun Feb 25 00:34:13 GMT 2018
USER 15233963
HOST psych-sl03
OS Linux
Linux psych-sl03 3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Oct 24 16:09:20 UTC 2016 
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$Id: recon-all,v 1.580.2.16 2017/01/18 14:11:24 zkaufman Exp $
PWD /home/15233963/freesurfer/SUBJECTS/CHRM2001/label
CMD mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -f ../stats/rh.BA_exvivo.thresh.stats -b -a 
./rh.BA_exvivo.thresh.annot -c ./BA_exvivo.thresh.ctab CHRM2001 rh white

Will be glad if you can provide guidance.




Theophilus Akudjedu

BSc, MSc, PhD Candidate

Room 202 Comerford Suite,

Clinical Science Institute,

Department of Psychiatry,

National University of Ireland, Galway

Phone: +353 838329602

Email: t.akudje...@nuigalway.ie<mailto:t.akudje...@nuigalway.ie>



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