Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I have a problem with mri_glmfit.

I am using the following script:

mri_glmfit \
        --y lh.AspergerStudy.thickness.10.mgh \
        --fsgd FSGD/AspergerStudy.fsgd dods \
        --C Contrasts/AS-HC.mtx  \
        --C Contrasts/HC-AS.mtx  \
        --surf fsaverage lh  \
        --cortex \
        --glmdir lh.thickness.AspergerStudy.10.glmdir

But when I run it, I obtain an error:

acad1215inv:01_freesurfer_processing acad1215inv$ mri_glmfit \

> --y lh.AspergerStudy.thickness.10.mgh \
> --fsgd FSGD/AspergerStudy.fsgd dods \
> --C Contrasts/AS-HC.mtx  \
gdfRead(): reading FSGD/AspergerStudy.fsgd
INFO: gd2mtx_method is dods
ERROR: must specify GLM output dir
acad1215inv:01_freesurfer_processing acad1215inv$ --C Contrasts/HC-AS.mtx  \
> --surface fsaverage lh  \
> --cortex \
> --glmdir lh.thickness.AspergerStudy.10.glmdir
-bash: --C: command not found

What could I do for solving this problem?

Thanks a lot


*Naiara Aguirre Vidal*
Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging group
Department of Basic and Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology
Jaume I University
Edificio de Investigación II, Avda. Sos Baynat, s/n
E-12071 Castellón de la Plana (Spain)
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