When you ran bbregister, what was the voxel resolution of the mov volume?

On 05/02/2018 01:28 PM, Rachel Bencic wrote:
> Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
> I'm attempting to resample beta weights generated from AFNI’s 
> 3dDeconvolve command to individual subjects’ cortical surfaces. Prior 
> to running 3dDeconvolve, I ran bbregister to coregister subjects’ 
> (unwarped) functional data to their T1 anatomical scans and to 
> generate a registration file to be used in the mri_vol2surf command.
> However, I get the following warning when I run the mri_vol2surf command:
> WARNING: the voxel resolution in the source volume (3.75, 3.75, 3.75) 
> differs from that listed in the registration file (3.75, 3.75, 5)
> I've searched the list and came across a potentially similar case from 
> Apr. 26, 2011 (SUBJECT: (no subject), AUTHOR: Kevin Bickart), which 
> included the following advice:
> Hi Kevin, you can ignore that warning. The values in the registration
> file are not correct.
> doug
> I thought I would reach out to inquire as to whether this is still the 
> case (i.e., that this warning can be ignored) or if it might be a more 
> serious issue? I will add that mri_vol2surf did appear to run 
> successfully (i.e., it did not error out) and provided a .mgh file as 
> output.
> In case it is helpful, as a next step I plan to convert the .mgh file 
> to an ASCII file to extract the time series. Ultimately, I plan to run 
> graph analyses on the time series data.
> Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated.
> Rachel
> 1) FreeSurfer version: freesurfer_6.0_x86_64
> 2) Platform: OSX High Sierra
> Here is my command:
> mri_vol2surf --mov ../betaEPI/Betas_EPIpreproc.nii--srcreg 
> ../bbregistration.dat --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --o ./lh.1.mgh
> mris_convert -c ./lh.1.mgh $parc_dir/${1}/surf/lh.white 
> ../lh_ascii/lh.1.asc
> And the full output:
> srcvol = ../betaEPI/Betas_EPIpreproc.nii
> srcreg = ../bbregistration.dat
> srcregold = 0
> srcwarp unspecified
> surf = white
> hemi = lh
> ProjFrac = 0.5
> thickness = thickness
> reshape = 0
> interp = nearest
> float2int = round
> GetProjMax = 0
> INFO: float2int code = 0
> Done loading volume
> INFO: This REGISTER_DAT transform is valid only for volumes betweenCOR 
> types with c_(r,a,s) = 0.
> Input reg is register.dat
> WARNING: the voxel resolution in the source volume (3.75,3.75,3.75) 
> differs
> from that listed in the registration file (3.75,3.75,5)
> -------- original matrix -----------
> 0.99988-0.009970.01155-0.43638;
> -0.01472-0.430230.9026022.14351;
> 0.004030.902660.4303334.58801;
> 0.000000.000000.000001.00000;
> -------- original matrix -----------
> Reading surface 
> /Volumes/Vol3/Hamilton/preproc/Parcelled//003/surf/lh.white
> Done reading source surface
> Reading thickness 
> /Volumes/Vol3/Hamilton/preproc/Parcelled//003/surf/lh.thickness
> Done
> Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
> 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
> using old
> Done mapping volume to surface
> Number of source voxels hit = 8657
> Writing to ./lh.1.mgh
> Dim: 146930 1 1
> srcvol = ../betaEPI/Betas_EPIpreproc.nii
> srcreg = ../bbregistration.dat
> srcregold = 0
> srcwarp unspecified
> surf = white
> hemi = rh
> ProjFrac = 0.5
> thickness = thickness
> reshape = 0
> interp = nearest
> float2int = round
> GetProjMax = 0
> INFO: float2int code = 0
> Done loading volume
> INFO: This REGISTER_DAT transform is valid only for volumes betweenCOR 
> types with c_(r,a,s) = 0.
> Input reg is register.dat
> WARNING: the voxel resolution in the source volume (3.75,3.75,3.75) 
> differs
> from that listed in the registration file (3.75,3.75,5)
> -------- original matrix -----------
> 0.99988-0.009970.01155-0.43638;
> -0.01472-0.430230.9026022.14351;
> 0.004030.902660.4303334.58801;
> 0.000000.000000.000001.00000;
> -------- original matrix -----------
> Reading surface 
> /Volumes/Vol3/Hamilton/preproc/Parcelled//003/surf/rh.white
> Done reading source surface
> Reading thickness 
> /Volumes/Vol3/Hamilton/preproc/Parcelled//003/surf/rh.thickness
> Done
> Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
> 1 0.5 0.5 0.5
> using old
> Done mapping volume to surface
> Number of source voxels hit = 8681
> Writing to ./rh.1.mgh
> Dim: 148618 1 1
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