no, that won't work as the discretization to a volume will mess everything up. If you really want the intensities at the midpoint, I would use mris_expand to generate a halfway surface, then use that surface for vol2surf. Then you can load the resulting .mgz 'volume' into matlab and computed modes that way. Don't go to the volume at all


On Wed, 22 Aug 2018, Yash Patel wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution        


I need to input a surface file, an output from mri_vol2surf --projfrac 0,5
Would doing mri_vol2surf, and then mri_surf2vol - turning it back into a volume 
file be a reasonable approach?


On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:31 PM, Bruce Fischl <> 
      Hi Yash

      try something like:

      seg = MRIread('aparc+aseg.mgz');
      norm = MRIread('norm.mgz');
      ind = find(seg.vol == 1002);
      segmode = mode(norm.vol(ind))


      On Wed, 22 Aug 2018, Yash Patel wrote:

                    External Email - Use Caution        

            Hi Dr.Greve,

            I ran: 
            seg = MRIread('aparc+aseg.mgz');

            input = MRIread('surface_pf05.mgh');

            ind = find('aparc+aseg.mgz' == 1002);  #where 1002 is a roi number

            segmode = mode(input(ind));

            This is where i run into an error: Index exceeds array bounds.

            Is this due to ".mgz" as segmentation vol and input is ".mgh" ?


            On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 11:30 AM, Bruce Fischl 
<> wrote:
                  Hi Yash

                  we already create the volumetric representations for you 
(e.g. the aparc+aseg.mgz). You should
            be able to use it
                  to generate histograms of each parcel in 5-10 lines of matlab 


                  On Wed, 22 Aug 2018, Yash Patel wrote:

                                External Email - Use Caution        

                        Hi FS experts,

                        I am attempting to extract signal intensity from the 
middle of the cortex, using
            mri_vol2surf. With
                        said surface, I would like
                        to extract the mode (and other histogram measures) from 
each of the 34 parcellations of
            the DK atlas.
                        I realize this needs to
                        be done in matlab, and hence the difficulty. Would I 
need to first convert the
            segmentation volume
                        (such as lh.aparc.annot )
                        into ".mgh" format, and use it with the output of mri_vol2surf 
which would be in ".mgh"
                        format. Since I am a complete
                        beginner to matlab exemplary code would be very helpful.

                        Thank you,

                        On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 6:26 PM, Douglas N. Greve 
<> wrote:
                              No, sorry. You can do it easily enough in matlab, 

                              seg = MRIread('seg.mgz');

                              input = MRIread('input.mgz');

                              ind = find(seg.vol == SegNo);

                              segmode = mode(input.vol(ind));

                              [h x] = hist(input.vol(ind),100);

                              On 03/13/2018 07:58 PM, Yash Patel wrote:
                              > Any updates or ideas in extracting histogram 
data from mri_segstats?
                              > On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 1:16 PM Yash Patel
                              > < 
                              > wrote:
                              >     Dear all,
                              >     I am using mri_segstats to obtain intensity 
values from each of
                              >     the 34 cortical parcellations in the 
Desikan-Killiany Atlas; this
                              >     provides metrics such as mean, min, max, 
range, and standard
                              >     deviation.
                              >     Is there a way to extract information such 
as the *mode*, or
                              >     information to create a histogram for each 
of the particular regions?
                              >     Thank you,
                              >     Yash
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