External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Sarah,

If you can bring up a terminal with your freesurfer environment set, then 
please try the following commands, i.e.,



<output deleted>

Without posting the contents of your license, I think the first line is 
an email address, followed by a line with several numbers, followed by 2 
lines of text.
$ ls -l $FS_LICENSE-rw-r--r--@ 1 userid  staff  57 Jan  9  
2018 /Users/userid/license.txt
the rw-r-r privileges (644) mean its writeable only by you (which is fine).
- R.

- R.

                Sarah Haigh        November 20, 2018 at 16:42    
          External Email - Use Caution        

Yes, I set the FreeSurfer home environment and added the license file to that 
folder. It is Word readable.


Freesurfer mailing list
                Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D.        November 20, 2018 at 15:03    
  did you put it in $FREESURFER_HOME/.license ? Is it world-readable?

Freesurfer mailing list
                Sarah Haigh        November 20, 2018 at 14:38    
          External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Freesurfers,

 anyone help with a licensing issue I have? I downloaded Freesurfer the 
other day with a brand new license and got the following message: 
“ERROR: Invalid FreeSurfer license key was found in license file”. I 
tried getting a new license and even borrowed someone else’s license and
 they all came up with the same error. Any ideas?

Thanks for your help.



Assistant Professor,
University of Nevada, Reno,
Department of Psychology and Center for Integrative Neuroscience,
1664 N. Virginia Street 
Reno, NV 89557-0296

Carnegie Mellon University,
Department of Psychology and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition,
5000 Forbes Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

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