External Email - Use Caution        

Hi FreeSurfer devs,

Is there any difference bet

I ran the recon-all several participants (using the command recon-all
-subjid -all) and I want to out an external analysis using the volume, area
and thickness measures of the Destrieux and Desikan-Killiany atlas. *Do
these measures suffer any change if I add the qcache flag to the command*
(i.e recon-all -subjid -all -qcache) or by contrary this flag is only
necessary when the analysis is made using QDEC?

I have this doubt because I saw that when I used the -qcache flag,
Freesurfer make a smoothing of the images using a FWHM filter of 5,10,12.

Thanks in advance,


*Miguel Ángel Rivas Fernández*
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