The smoothing works through iterative nearest neighbor smoothing, so the 
fwhm is essentially discretized because you can't have fractions of an 
iteration. It looks like fwhm=0.66 is closer to 0 iterations than 1 
iteration, so it chooses 0.

On 12/21/18 11:23 AM, wrote:
> Dear Surfers,
>     I am trying to use mris_fwhm to apply fwhm=0.66 to my fmri data (voxel
> size 1 mm iso)using the below command:
> mris_fwhm --s <SBJ_NAME>--hemi rh --smooth-only --i
> fmcpr.sm0.self.projfrac_0.rh.nii.gz --fwhm 0.66 --o
> fmcpr.sm0p66_surf.self.projfrac_0.rh.nii.gz --mask
> /masks/brain.self.rh.nii.gz
> When I apply this command, it works without any error. The message on
> screen is as below:
> <SBJ_NAME> rh white
> Number of vertices 160391
> Number of faces    320778
> Total area         102725.085938
> GroupSurface 0
> AvgVtxArea       0.640467
> AvgVtxDist       0.875515
> StdVtxDist       0.253406
> Loading mask masks/brain.self.rh.nii.gz
> Found 36045 voxels in mask
> Not Polynomial detrending
> Smoothing input by fwhm=0.660000, gstd=0.280276, niters=0
> Only smoothing, so saving and exiting now
>     But the outcome is the same as input. I think it is expected based on
> (niters=0).  When I use the same command with fwhm =1, then i see the
> difference and niters=1.
> My question is, why is fwhm = 0.66 not acceptable? How can i solve this
> issue.
> Regards
> _____________________________________
> Shahin Nasr
> Assistant Prof. in Radiology
> Harvard Medical School
> Martinos Imaging Center, MGH
> Bldg 149, 13th street,
> Charlestown, MA 02129
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list

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