On 1/4/19 1:27 PM, Nasiriavanaki, Zahra wrote:

Hi Freesurfers

I have a few questions about gammafit flag in mkanalysis-sess command and I 
appreciate if you could respond whenever you had time.

-How should we decide which function is best to apply on hemodynamic response 
signal? I have used both spmhrf and gammafit and I see slightly different 

Hard to say. Mostly, it does not make much of a difference, especially if you 
have a block design. In theory, you could see which one has the lowest residual 
error, but in general I would not agonize over it.

-Does Freesurfer has a default function that applies on hemodynamic response 
signal if I don't use these flags?

No, you have to supply one. I usually use --spmhrf 0

-Where should I get gfdelta and gftau from?

We always used delta=2.5 and tau=1.25. These are from Dale and Buckner, HBM 
1997, Selective Averaging of Rapidly Presented Individual Trials Using fMRI



Zahra (Mona) Nasiriavanaki

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

Massachusetts General Hospital

149 13th Street, 149-2615

Charlestown, MA, USA, 02129

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