thanks. It is almost certainly a bug in recon-all. I'm testing a fix tomorrow and hopefully we can have one out to you (and the rest of the list) by tomorrow.

On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, Yi Leng Fung wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Bruce,

Yep, the exvivo entorhinal thresh label overlay on the perirhinal annotation. I 
have attached a screenshot of it
for your reference.


On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 12:31 PM Bruce Fischl <> wrote:
      Hi Yi-Leng

      eek! Can you verify that the lh.entorhinal_exvivo.thresh.label is
      correct? Does it overlay on the perirhinal annotation?


      On Tue, 5 Feb 2019,
      Yi Leng Fung wrote:

      >         External Email - Use Caution        
      > [3f1a37b0d4514e4a90a5d3340afcefe6c789830e.png?u=328927]
      > Hello All,
      > Here it is, both are from bert. 
      > Thank you for looking into this.
      > Cheers,
      > Yi-Leng
      > On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 7:47 AM Bruce Fischl 
<> wrote:
      >       Hi Yi-Leng
      >       can you send us an image of the parcellaton on an inflated 
surface so we
      >       can see?
      >       thanks
      >       Bruce
      >       On Tue, 5 Feb 2019, Yi Leng Fung wrote:
      >       >
      >       >         External Email - Use Caution        
      >       >
      >       > Hello Bruce,
      >       > Thank you very much for your quick response. 
      >       >
      >       > I do have another point of confusion regarding the 
BA.thresh.annot file. When visualised in
      >       (using Bert as
      >       > the example), the BA.thresh annotation file labelled the 
medially located structure as the
      >       cortex and
      >       > the laterally located structure as the entorhinal cortex. 
      >       >
      >       > I find that quite puzzling as I understand their relative 
anatomical location to be the
      reverse; I
      >       would really
      >       > appreciate it if you could clarify why it is labelled as such 
in the annot file? 
      >       >
      >       > Again, thank you for your time in helping me understand this. 
      >       >
      >       > Cheers, 
      >       > Yi-Leng
      >       >
      >       >
      >       > On Tue, Feb 5, 2019, 04:26 Bruce Fischl 
< wrote:
      >       >       Hi Yi-Leng
      >       >
      >       >       the annot file contains the label with the max p-value at 
each location.
      >       >       The thresholded .label files are computed to have the 
surface area that
      >       >       matches the average of the training labels, so they will 
not be the same.
      >       >
      >       >       cheers
      >       >       Bruce
      >       >
      >       >
      >       >       On
      >       >       Tue, 5 Feb 2019, Yi Leng Fung wrote:
      >       >
      >       >       >
      >       >       >         External Email - Use Caution        
      >       >       >
      >       >       > Dear FreeSurfer Developers,
      >       >       >
      >       >       > Prior to extracting the gray volume numbers of the 
entorhinal and perirhinal cortex
      >       >       > ?h.BA_exvivo.thresh.stats file, I was examining the 
entorhinal and perirhinal cortex
      on the
      >       >       > ?h.BA.thresh.annot on Freeview. However, I noted that 
their locations on the annot
      file did
      >       not
      >       >       > correspond to the (non-overlapping) locations indicated 
by ?h.entorhinal.thresh.label
      >       >       > ?h.perirhinal.thresh.label. 
      >       >       >
      >       >       > I have also loaded the annot files and label files from 
the fully recon-ed subject
      >       "bert" on
      >       >       > Freeview and observed the same mismatch in the 
labeling. I am curious why this might
      be the
      >       case.
      >       >       >
      >       >       > I have searched the archive and have not been able to 
find any similar queries on
      this, hence
      >       it
      >       >       would be
      >       >       > of tremendous help if someone could clarify this 
observation. If it is of interest, I
      >       running
      >       >       > freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v6.0.0 on 
Ubuntu 16.04.
      >       >       >
      >       >       > Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to 
hearing from you.
      >       >       >
      >       >       > Best regards,
      >       >       > Yi-Leng
      >       >       >
      >       >       >
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      >       >       Freesurfer mailing list
      >       >
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