External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer Developers,
I'm using PALM to run permutation analyses to correct for multiple 
comparisons on Freesurfer cortical thickness and LGI data. fspalm from a 
command like "mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir lh.lgi.glmdir --perm 1000 2 pos 
--cwp .05 --2spaces" produces output files including *.cluster.mgh - map 
of signifcant clusters, *.cluster.summary - text file of of cluster 
table (incl. sizes, cluster annotation, MNI coordinates, and 
significance), and *.y.ocn.dat – text file containing LGI or cortical 
thickness values for each subject from significant clusters. I was 
wondering if PALM produces similar output? From my understanding the 
*clustere_tstat_fwep.mgz file from PALM would be equivalent to the 
*.cluster.mgh from fspalm, but is there any way to get a text file of 
the cluster table or of the LGI/CT values for each subject from 
significant clusters?I would like to report significant clusters (ie. 
coordinates or parcellation, cluster size, pvalue) in a table and also 
to extract the average lgi/thickness from significant clusters for each 

Thanks very much

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