External Email - Use Caution Hello,
I am trying to run dt_recon on my dti data using the following script. dt_recon --debug --i Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/1-65.dcm --s ${subj}.${cond} --o /Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/dtrecon with the following error echo "ERROR: cannot find $InputVol" echo ERROR: cannot find Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/diffusion_recons/AES101.Ex/1-65.dcm ERROR: cannot find Volumes/DANIEL/tutorial_data/diffusion_recons/AES101.Ex/1-65.dcm goto error_exit ; the DICOM files are named image000001.dcm through image000065.dcm These were 64 gradient images acquired on a SIEMENS scanner with 1 bo image. Any advice on how I should structure this command would be greatly appreciated! *Daniel Callow* *PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science* Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park dcal...@umd.edu <dcal...@gmail.com> 443-254-6298
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