will do
On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Bruce,

I don't see major thing that could be wrong.

I uploaded on the FileDrop the subject directory compressed. Could you have a 
look at it and tell me
what you think ?


On 18/02/2019 15:56, Bruce Fischl wrote:
      Hi Matthieu

      have you looked at the lh.inflated.nofix to see if anything major is 
wrong? The code
      doesn't exit when it detects an XL defect - it just warns you and doesn't 
search as
      thoroughly for solutions (which would take forever). It sounds like the 0 
faces error is
      your problem, but they are likely related. Take a look at the 
inflated.nofix and see if
      you can identify the XL defect. It is probably near the back of the brain 
since it is
      one of the first defects encountered.


       On Mon, 18 Feb 2019, Matthieu VANHOUTTE wrote:

                    External Email - Use Caution        

            Dear Freesurfer's experts,

            I have run recon-all on one subject and it stopped with a "XL defect
            detected..."  (please see below
            the log):

            #@# Fix Topology lh Sat Feb 16 08:22:31 CET 2019

             mris_fix_topology -rusage
            /FS6.0.1/awellv3s013/touch/rusage.mris_fix_topology.lh.dat -mgz 
            qsphere.nofix -ga -seed 1234 awellv3s013 lh

            reading spherical homeomorphism from 'qsphere.nofix'
            using genetic algorithm with optimized parameters
            setting seed for random number genererator to 1234

            Topology Correction Parameters
            retessellation mode:           genetic search
            number of patches/generation : 10
            number of generations :        10
            surface mri loglikelihood coefficient :         1.0
            volume mri loglikelihood coefficient :          10.0
            normal dot loglikelihood coefficient :          1.0
            quadratic curvature loglikelihood coefficient : 1.0
            volume resolution :                             2
            eliminate vertices during search :              1
            initial patch selection :                       1
            select all defect vertices :                    0
            ordering dependant retessellation:              0
            use precomputed edge table :                    0
            smooth retessellated patch :                    2
            match retessellated patch :                     1
            verbose mode :                                  0

            INFO: assuming .mgz format
            $Id: mris_fix_topology.c,v 2016/10/27 22:25:58 zkaufman 
Exp $
              $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.781.2.6 2016/12/27 16:47:14 zkaufman Exp $
            before topology correction, eno=-112 (nv=135382, nf=270988, 
ne=406482, g=57)
            using quasi-homeomorphic spherical map to tessellate cortical 

            Correction of the Topology
            Finding true center and radius of Spherical Surface...done
            Surface centered at (0,0,0) with radius 100.0 in 10 iterations
            marking ambiguous vertices...
            39303 ambiguous faces found in tessellation
            segmenting defects...
            22 defects found, arbitrating ambiguous regions...
            analyzing neighboring defects...
                  -merging segment 16 into 2
            21 defects to be corrected
            0 vertices coincident
            reading input surface FS6.0.1/awellv3s013/surf/lh.qsphere.nofix...
            reading brain volume from brain...
            reading wm segmentation from wm...
            Computing Initial Surface Statistics
                  -face       loglikelihood: -9.1744  (-4.5872)
                  -vertex     loglikelihood: -6.3047  (-3.1523)
                  -normal dot loglikelihood: -3.6091  (-3.6091)
                  -quad curv  loglikelihood: -5.8524  (-2.9262)
                  Total Loglikelihood : -24.9405

            CORRECTING DEFECT 0 (vertices=41, convex hull=76, v0=1825)
            After retessellation of defect 0 (v0=1825), euler #=-4
            (114791,342427,227632) : difference with
            theory (-18) = -14

            CORRECTING DEFECT 1 (vertices=22, convex hull=53, v0=6219)
            After retessellation of defect 1 (v0=6219), euler #=-3
            (114805,342485,227677) : difference with
            theory (-17) = -14

            CORRECTING DEFECT 2 (vertices=19736, convex hull=2755, v0=16117)
            normal vector of length zero at vertex 115020 with 0 faces
            vertex 115020 has 0 face
            XL defect detected...
            No such file or directory
            Linux hpc1.cyceron.fr 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 
            UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64
            x86_64 GNU/Linux

            recon-all -s awellv3s013 exited with ERRORS at Sat Feb 16 10:17:17 
CET 2019

            I looked at the ?h.orig.nofix but didn't see anything wrong, 
despite the
            fact that these surfaces
            are very not smooth.

            What could I do ?



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