Did you check the registration? My guess is that the registration failed 
because the initial FSL registration failed. I've put a new version here


it has a better initializer. Just copy it over the one in 
$FREESURFER_HOME/bin (make a backup of the original one though)

On 2/25/19 1:50 PM, Daniel Callow wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hello freesurfer experts,
> I am running dt_recon with the following script
> dt_recon --sd /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/diffusion_recons --i 
> /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/image000001.dcm 
> --s ${subj}.${cond} --b dwi.bvals dwi.voxel_space.bvecs --o 
> /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}.
> and mri_vol2vol to get the wmparc and aseg.mgz files in my lowb space 
> with the script below
> mri_vol2vol --mov $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./lowb.nii.gz 
> --targ $subj_dir/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/mri/wmparc.mgz --inv 
> --interp nearest --o 
> /Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/mri/wmparc2diff.mgz
> --reg $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./register.dat --no-save-reg
> mri_vol2vol --mov $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./lowb.nii.gz 
> --targ $subj_dir/diffusion_recons/${subj}.${cond}/mri/aseg.mgz --inv 
> --interp nearest --o 
> $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./aseg2diff.nii.gz --reg 
> $subj_dir/dtrecon/${subj}.${cond}./register.dat --no-save-reg
> However, one of my subjects shows a major issue with the mri_vol2vol 
> registration (for most of the subject scans it seems to work no 
> problem). When looking at the wmparc2diff.mgz I created (screenshot 
> attached), it is apparent that the registration of the wmparc to 
> wmparc2diff space actually causes wmparc2diff.mgz to be further from 
> the lowb than wmparc is. This same registration issue occurs for aseg.mgz.
> I assume this means there is an issue with the register.dat file for 
> this subject? If so is there any way to troubleshoot the issue and get 
> a correct register.dat file?
> For reference, the following commands and registration steps have 
> worked for other subjects, as well as this same subject's scans under 
> another condition.
> Any advice with troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> *Daniel Callow*
> /PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science/
> Exercise for Brain Health Lab
> University of Maryland, College Park
> _ddcc2...@gmail.com <mailto:ddcc2...@gmail.com>_
> 443-254-6298
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