External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Valentina
Resolution should not be affected by MRI_convert. Can you please send us an 
example/screen capture?

Sent from mobile, please excuse brevity and typos

From: Valentina Mancini <valentina.manc...@unige.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 5:56:34 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Cc: Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
Subject: Conversion of thalamic nuclei labels

Dear all,

I ran the thalamic segmentation implemented in FreeSurfer and, according to 
visual inspection, I got nice results with a good delineation of all the nuclei.

Then, I wanted to use the label of the thalamic nuclei to select an ROI in the 
MGN and the MD to perform functional connectivity with cortical regions in SPM.

Therefore, I converted the outputs of the segmentation 
(ThalamicNuclei.v10.T1.mgz and ThalamicNuclei.v10.FSvoxelSpace.mgz) into nifti 
files by using the command "mri_convert .mgz  .nii".

However, the resulting labels of the thalamus have a different resolution and I 
cannot visualize anymore the different thalamic subnuclei but only the entire 

Do you have any suggestion to convert thalamic labels into nifti without losing 
the different subnuclei?

Do you think that the thalamic segmentation is accurate enough to be used to 
perform functional connectivity?

Thank you and best regards,

Valentina Mancini
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