External Email - Use Caution        

The OHBM Brain-Art SIG
Brain-Art Competition is open for submissions!

This competition aims at fostering the dialog between art and science. We
believe that the exchange of ideas and tools between these two disciplines
encourages the development of novel approaches to scientific data
visualization, and promotes the exploration of different perspectives on
human brain structures and functions.

Everyone is encouraged to submit original work(s)! There is no limit to the
number of submissions per participant, and both team and single-person
entries are welcome. All submitted pieces will be exhibited during the
OHBM 2019
Annual Meeting in Rome
This year submissions will be accepted to the following categories

*1. Erato: **2D *i.e., digital images such as drawings, photos, paintings.
*2. Clio: **3D *i.e., sculptures and installations. Note that any 3D
submission should be entered as a photo then shipped/brought to Rome.
Please reach out to us should this be impossible.
*3. Calliope: **1D *i.e., short texts (one-page maximum) with or without
illustrations such as short fiction or poetry.
*4. Terpsichore: real-time performance *i.e., any performative act (e.g.
singing, dancing, live sketching, etc…). Please note that a one-page max
description should be entered at time of submission, then the act should be
performed during the conference.
*5. Melpomene*: *failed attempt / bug / artifact*

Key information:

   - Submission Deadline: *Friday, May 31st, 2019, midnight eastern time*
   - Award Notificaiton: Monday, June 10th, 2019
   - Submission portal: https://www.neurobureau.org/brainart/

Maria Luisa Mandelli, PhD

Associate Professional Researcher
UCSF Department of Neurology
675 Nelson Rising Lane
Mission Bay Campus
San Francisco, CA 94158
phone (415) 353-9420
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