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Hi all,

I created an overlay surface map of my analyses (with pvalues in log10) using R.
Now I would like to smooth this map to extract clusters and I tried to use:

mri_surf2surf --prune --s fsaverage --hemi lh --fwhm 3 --sval lh_analyses.mgh 
--tval lh_analyses_smoothed.mgh --cortex

This seems to work, but is there a way to also map the original values in the 
output surface overlay? I now have clusters that are colored yellow with no 
statistical information anymore.

I also tried to use: mri_surfcluster --in lh_analyses.mgh --thmin 1.3 --thmax 6 
--no-adjust --subject fsaverage --fwhm 3 --sum lh_analyses_smoothed_summary 
--hemi lh --sign pos

But whether or not I add in the smoothing, the output is the same.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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